This Properties option is available on one or more selected bus terminal(s). Use it to change the bus terminals length.


Default Keys: I or Alt+Enter

Default Menu: Edit

Command: Properties

Locating this option

Available from: Edit menu > Properties option

Available from: Context menu > Properties option

Available from: Shortcut key > I

Using The Bus Terminal Properties Dialog

Select a bus terminal (or several) and enter properties. Choose the Bus Terminal tab and the following dialog is shown:-

Bus End and Con End

Show the positions of the ends of the terminal.

Terminal Offset

New bus terminals created when connecting to a bus take the length defined in Bus Defaults. You can change the length of the selected terminal using this dialog. Type in the value to be used for the X and Y lengths of the bus terminal.

When these changes are applied, the attached connection will be adjusted to ensure it ends on the altered bus terminal.

Attributes Tab | Bus Tab | Connecting To Bus | Insert Bus | Net Tab | Net Attributes Tab | Bus Defaults | Properties Overview