This dialog presents a simple view of the order in which layers are defined, how the via and micro-via layer spans are embedded, and how the Back Drill layer spans are embedded.
Menu: Setup
Default Keys: T
Command: Technology
Locating this option
Available from: Setup menu > Technology option > Layers tab > View Layers button
Available from: Setup menu > Technology option > Layer Spans tab > View Layers button
Available from: Setup menu > Technology option > Back Drill tab > View Layers button
Using the dialog
Layers are drawn in the colour defined in the Colours dialog. The names of the electrical layers are highlighted. Non-electrical layers are drawn thinner and thick construction layers are drawn between each electrical layer (in the background colour), even if not explicitly defined in the layers dialog.
Use Proportional Layer Thickness
Select this check box if you wish to represent the preview using a proportional representation of the actual layer thicknesses if defined in the Technology - Layers dialog along with thicknesses defined in the Technology - Materials dialog.
When this check box is unchecked, the layer stack preview will use a fixed size for non-electrical, electrical and construction layers.
Use the Print button to print a copy of the diagram.
Layers which are defined as not defined as In Layer Stack Preview in the Technology Layers dialog are not shown on the preview.
You can also include a version of the layer stack into the PCB design for documentation purposes using the Insert Layer Stack option from the Insert menu.
Layer Stack Preview of Micro-Vias
Micro-vias are drawn with angled sides to represent the direction they are drilled (larger entry to smaller stop pad).
Layer Stack Preview in Back Drill Spans dialog
On the Back Drill layer spans page, it will show the layers along with the Back Drill spans, no regular layer spans are shown.
Related Topics
Technology - Layers | Technology - Layer Spans | Back Drill layer spans | Colours - Layers | Insert Layer Stack Preview | Technology - Materials