This command is used to report the size of the board area. The value reported uses your current design Units or current report units (if the Coordinate Units command has been specified in your script).

This value also takes into consideration any board outline cutouts (the total area of any cutouts are taken out of the Area value reported).

Where more than one board outline exists in the design, the first outline drawn will be used.

If this command is run from within the Schematic editor, a value of 0.0 is reported for the area.

Using the dialog

This command uses a common dialog to set up possible parameters. See the Edit Value Dialog dialog for more information.

Example use of Area


The report output looks like this:


Shapes Area

Use this command to report the total area of all copper items or documentation shapes on the current layer. If a shape is an open shape or closed and not filled, just the area of each segment in the outline will be included. The command uses the layer class to decide which shapes, and pad shapes to include.

This command can be used at the design level or within a List of Layers command. If at design level the current layer must be set using the Set Layer command.

If the current layer is of type non-electrical, pad shapes and board outlines are only included if enabled by the layer class. Electrical layers include all copper shapes, tracks and pad shapes. Power plane layers include the copper area of the plane.

The command has two options. Use Include Text to include the area of shapes that make up any text items on the layer. Use Exclude Overlaps to not count any areas that overlap, this is more accurate but can take a long time to calculate on large boards.

Commands | Report Maker | Placement Extents