Use this dialog to define the coordinate units command to be used in a Formattable Report for all commands following this units command.

Choose between Imperial and Metric Units.


Choose from a list of imperial base units of Inches, Mils or Thou.


Choose from a list of metric base units of CM, Metre, Micron or MM.

Coord Text

Type the text to appear after each coordinate in the report file. Leave it blank if you just require the coordinate by itself.

The report output looks like this:

2450.0 thou 2660.0 thou


Enter how may decimal places you wish to report for coordinates.

Format Flags

Prefix with ’+’ if Positive - When the value reported is a positive number, the number will be prefixed with the + sign. If this box is not checked, no sign will be shown for positive numbers. If the number is negative, the report will always show a - sign.

Fill Field with Leading Zeros - When checked, this will pad out the field after the decimal dot with zeros to the number specified in the Precision field.

Show Decimal Point - When checked, this will add a decimal point to the number reported.

Decimal Point Character - Enter the single character that you wish to use for the decimal point. For example, in some countries a comma would be used.

Design Units

Use this command in a design report to change the coordinate units to those defined in the design being reported.

Drill Table Units

Use this command in a PCB design report to change the length units to those defined in the Drill Sizes section of the Technology data.

Report Maker | Generate Reports | Angles | Attributes | Set Alternate Attributes | Component Group List | Coordinates | Fixed Commands | If | List | List Field | Position | Value | Variable | While