The following commands are used to report information about gates and pins within a part.

Using the dialog

These commands use the standard Edit Value command dialog.

List of Representations

Use this command within a List Of Parts command to report information on each representation in the part. The parts may be in a design, or in a parts library.

  • Is Heterogeneous - Reports true if the part representation has multiple gates using more than one type of symbol.
  • Part Representation Name - Reports the name of the current representation.

List of Part Gates

Use this command within a List Of Parts command, or within a List Of Representations command, to report information on each gate in the part or representation. The parts may be in a design, or in a parts library.

  • Gate Name - Reports the name (modifier) of the current part gate. i.e. “a”, “b” etc.
  • Symbol Name - Reports the symbol name used by of the current part gate.
  • Swap Group - Reports the swap group name used by the current part gate.

List of Part Pins

Use this command within a List Of Part Gates command to report information on each pin in the gate. Also use this command within a List Of Parts command, or within a List Of Representations command, to report information on each ungated pin in the part or representation. The parts may be in a design, or in a parts library.

  • Swap Group - Reports the swap group name used by the current part pin.
  • Logic Name - Reports the logic name of the current part pin.
  • Net Name - Reports the predefined net name of the current part pin.
  • Pin Name - Reports the pin name of the current part pin.
  • Pin Network - Reports the pin network name of the current part pin.
  • Pin PCB Name - Reports the footprint pin name of the current part pin.
  • Pin Scm Name - Reports the schematic symbol pin name of the current part pin.
  • Pin Type - Reports the pin type of the current part pin.
  • Original Pin Type - For a component pin, this command reports the pin type of the original part pin. Use Is Pin Type Overridden to test if a component pin type has been changed.

Multiply Mapped PCB Pads

For a pin within a gate that is mapped to multiple PCB pads its Pin Name will be a list of PCB pin numbers, separated by commas if the pins are on the same net, or separated by plus signs if the pins are internally connected together within the physical component.

In a PCB design when using List Of Pins within a List Of Components output the Pin Name field is the single PCB pin name. If you want to report which pins are internally connected together within a component you can use the Internally Connected Pins command on a pad. If the pad is internally connected using the above mentioned method in its part, the command will report an ordered list of the pads it is connected to (including itself) separated with plus signs.

Here is an example of a report to list all internally connected pads in a PCB design. The variable extract field command uses field separator ”+“.

List Of Components
    List Of Pins
        Set Variable "pinNames" to Internally Connected Pins
        Set Variable "firstName" to field extracted from "Variable: pinNames"
        if "Pin Name" is equal to "Variable "firstName"
            Component Name
            Internally Connected Pins
            Net Name

This will produce a report similar to this:

U2   1+2+3       +5V
U4   5+7+9+11   VCC
U8   1+3          $132
U8   5+6          $138

Commands | Report Maker