Frame Select is a method of selecting multiple items by dragging a frame on the screen. All items that are within the resultant frame will be selected.


Default Keys: None

Default Menu: context menu

Command: Frame Select

Locating this option

Available from: With nothing selected, Context menu > Frame Select option

How To Use Frame Select

  1. Start a drag of the mouse (with the left button down) whilst the cursor is not over any design items. A frame will appear for you to stretch over the items to be selected. Note, there is an interaction option to allow you to frame select even if over an item by using the Alt key whilst dragging.
  2. Use the Frame Select facility from the shortcut menu to enter Frame Select Mode. In this mode you will be able to frame the desired items without having to drag the mouse. Simply click to pick the two opposite corners of the frame.
  3. Whilst framing right click the mouse to use the context menu option Select If Completely Framed. Check it to only select whole items that are completely within the frame. Uncheck it to select items that also overlap the frame.

The Shift Select operation can be used with Frame Select. Holding the Shift key down whilst framing will select whole items.

Using frame select is a quick, but coarse way of selecting multiple items. If you need more accurate selection, use the Polygon Select option. This allows you to weave a shape around the items you wish to select.

Pre-setting the Select If Completely Framed Option

The option Select If Completely Framed can also be pre-set on the Options - Select dialog.

Select Mode | Polygon Select | Select If Completely Framed