Use this to change the gap between a linear dimension’s arrows, and the original two points it is measuring. This is known as the dimension offset. Optional documentation lines run from the original points to the tip of the arrow heads. This is a special mode that forms part of the Move mode.

Place Dimension is entered when moving (or dragging) the arrow ‘tails’ on a linear dimension. If the arrow heads are moved on linear dimensions, another mode Stretch Dimension is entered.


Default Keys: None

Default Menu: None

Command: Move

Locating this option

Available from: context menu > Move option

How To Place Linear Dimensions

Use the mouse to drag, or use the Move mode to move, an arrow tail line on a horizontal, vertical or free linear dimension. The arrow tail of the dimension you pick will attach itself to the cursor and you can then move the mouse to alter the offset of the dimension’s arrows.

Right click the mouse to use the shortcut menu to change the grid step that the offset is changing by if required.

If the text displayed on the dimension was at it’s default position, it is moved to keep it at it’s new default position, otherwise it is not moved.

Note: If you want to put some dimension text back to it’s default position, select the text and right click the mouse to use Reset Text Position from the shortcut menu.

How To Alter The Dimension’s Appearance

Use Colours - Doc Shapes to change the colour of dimensions.

Use Properties - Dimensions to alter the following properties:

  • Dimension: Length or angle units.
  • Arrow: Line style, Head Appearance, Text Gap and Arrow Offset.
  • Documentation Line: Line Style, Start Gap, Extended Length and Visibility.
  • Dimension Text: Style, Alignment, Angle and Position.

Insert Dimension | Move | Stretch Dimension | Dimension Properties