Use this dialog to export Pulsonix design data in DXF format. DXF (Data Exchange Format), is a two-dimensional file format recognised by most desktop based mechanical drawing (MCAD) packages.


Default Keys: None

Default Menu: Output

Command: Output DXF

Locating this option

Available from: Output menu > DXF option

How To Use DXF Export

On selection, the following dialog is displayed:

File Name

Type the file name required. By default, the option will use the design name and the file extension .dxf. Use the Browse button to define the folder required for the output.

DXF Objects

The Schematic DXF output defines objects within the design at one of four categories, Terminals, Shapes, Lines, and Text. Each of these categories can be output using a different style.

These are, for Lines:

Solid - a solid filled line as true thickness of the shape it represents

Altsld - as Solid but uses an alternative style for the shape

Segsld - outputs each segment of the shape and fills the segment

Seghol - outputs each segment of the shape but uses an unfilled shape to represent each segment

Centreline - a single centre line of the line it represents

For Terminals and Shapes, these are Solid (as defined above) and:

Hollow - similar to centre line except the outside edge of the circle is represented by an outline.

For Text, these are:

DXF Font - normal text output but uses the font defined by the recipient system

Stroke Text - text broken down into individual entities and represented as strokes or lines.


You can change the Units that you want your DXF sizes and coordinates to be output in, by selecting Imperial or Metric and by selecting the unit name from the appropriate dropdown box. By default the units used are your design units.


To Exclude individual design items from the output file. You should click the Exclude Items button to enter the Exclude Items dialog to specify what you want excluded.

Output Entities Only

The check box does not output a layer table at the start of the file. Use this if combining plots, i.e. the first plot has this option unchecked and other plots have it checked, or if adding a plot from the Schematic to an existing mechanical drawing.

Exclude Items