Used to insert a spline shape into the design. Splines can be in the form of a Track, a Copper Shape, a Shape, or a Construction Line. Spline shapes can be used to create curves which cannot be created using arc segments.
An example Spline Track:
Default Keys: None
Default Menu: Insert
Command: Insert Track Spline
Default Keys: None
Default Menu: Insert
Command: Insert Copper Spline
Default Keys: None
Default Menu: Insert
Command: Insert Shape Spline
Default Keys: None
Default Menu: Insert
Command: Insert Construction Line Spline
Locating this option
Available from: Insert menu > Track Spline option
Available from: Insert menu > Copper Spline option
Available from: Insert menu > Shape Spline option
Available from: Insert menu > Construction Line Spline option
How To Insert a Spline
To insert a spline use the Insert Track, Copper, Shape, or Construction Line Spline commands. Track and Copper Splines will use the default track/copper net, layer, and style.
If a piece of track or copper is selected before using the corresponding spline command, the same net, layer, and style will be used instead.
Spline shapes are created by adding Control Points which the curve will bend towards. The first and last control points define the start and end of the curve and any points between will change the shape of the curve.
Below is an example of a spline shape with 5 Control Points and shows how a spline is defined by the points.
After choosing one of the spline commands you can begin adding Control Points. The cursor will have a spline symbol next to it when in the adding state to indicate Control Points are being added.
Single press a position on the design to place the start of the spline.
Single press another position on the design the place the end of the spline.
Begin adding Control Points by single pressing onto the design - the spline shape that fits through the points will be generated dynamically to show what the finished shape will look like.
The order of the Control Points can be reversed during this stage if they are not in the expected order. Reverse the control points using the Reverse Inner Control Points command from the context menu.
Double click or use the Finish Spline command from the context menu to stop placing Control Points and enter the edit state.
Editing a Spline
Splines can be edited after they have been placed. The edit state is entered automatically after inserting a spline and can also be reached by double pressing on an existing spline in the design or by selecting the Edit Spline command from the context menu when a spline is selected.
In the edit state, the Control Points can be moved by dragging them with the mouse. Additional Control points can be inserted or deleted by selecting a point and using the Insert Control Point or Delete Control Point commands from the context menu.
If finer control of the spline is needed, the Refine Control Point command in the context menu can be used when a control point is selected. This will add another control point to the curve near where the selected control point is and move the nearby control points so that the shape of the curve is unaffected.
Removing the Spline
The Remove Spline Shape command can be found on the context menu when a spline is selected. This command will remove the spline controls from the selected spline and revert it to a straight line between the start and end points.
The Convert Shape to Segments command can be found on the context menu when a spline is selected. This command will remove the spline controls from the selected spline but leave the curve behind so it can be edited as a collection of segments. Note that splines contain a large number of straight segments, often in the hundreds.
Converting a Track Segment to a Spline
When a single track segment is selected, the Spline Segment command on the context menu can be used to turn that segment into a spline. The start and end points of the spline will already be placed at the start and end points of the selected segment.
Related Topics
Insert Shape | Insert Construction Line | Insert Polygon | Insert Wave | Insert Spiral | Insert Copper | Insert Track | Change Track Style | Properties - Shape Items