Use this to change the size of a dimension. This is a special mode that forms part of the Move mode.
Stretch Dimension is entered when moving (or dragging) the arrow heads or documentation lines on a linear dimension, or any single part of a radial or angular dimension. If the arrow tails are moved on linear dimensions, another mode Place Dimension is entered to allow you to alter the dimension offset.
Linear dimensions that are attached to design items cannot be directly stretched. They are stretched automatically when the design item they are attached to is moved. If you try to stretch an attached linear dimension directly, you will get a message asking if you want to unattach the picked end of the dimension in order to stretch it.
Default Keys: None
Default Menu: None
Command: Move
Locating this option
Available from: context menu > Move option
How To Stretch Dimensions
Use the mouse to drag, or use the Move mode to move, the arrow head or documentation line on a dimension. The end of the dimension you pick will attach itself to the cursor and you can then move the mouse to alter the size of the dimension. The new size of the dimension is dynamically updated on both the dimension and on the Status Bar.
When stretching linear dimensions you can use the Snap To Item option alter the picked position to snap to the item under the cursor. See the Snapping to Design Items section below for more details.
If the text displayed on the dimension was at it’s default position, it is moved to keep it at it’s new default position, otherwise it is not moved.
Note: If you want to put some dimension text back to it’s default position, select the text and right click the mouse to use Reset Text Position from the shortcut menu.
The type of dimension governs how the interaction works as follows:
Horizontal Linear Dimension
Dragging the arrow head or documentation line moves the picked end of the dimension in a horizontal direction only.
Dragging the end point of the documentation line furthest from the dimension arrow changes the dimension length and alters the length of the documentation line.
Vertical Linear Dimension
Dragging the arrow head or documentation line moves the picked end of the dimension in a vertical direction only.
Dragging the end point of the documentation line furthest from the dimension arrow changes the dimension length and alters the length of the documentation line.
Free Linear Dimension
Dragging the arrow head or centre part of a documentation line moves the picked end of the dimension, keeping the dimension’s angle the same.
Dragging the end point of the documentation line furthest from the dimension arrow alters angle of the dimension, as well as it’s length. In this mode a small circle is drawn to show the selected point. The end of the documentation line is attached to the cursor and can be positioned anywhere in the design.
Directional Dimension
Directional dimensions are specially added horizontal or vertical dimensions that display the distances of a series of points from a common base line.
Dragging any documentation line in a directional dimension works as described above for horizontal and vertical dimensions. The only change to this is when dragging the documentation line that represents the zero labelled base line. When the move of the base line is completed, all the directional dimensions that had the same start point as the original base line will be stretched as well to keep them on the moved base line.
Radial Dimension
Dragging any single part of a radial dimension changes the angle of the dimension arrow within the angular scope of the dimension. The radius of the dimension is left unchanged.
As you move outside of the arc that the radial dimension was measuring, a documentation line is drawn from the end of the arrow to the cursor position, and the dimension text (radius) is displayed at this point.
As you move within the arc that the radial dimension is measuring, the documentation line disappears and the text is drawn in the centre of the arrow line.
Angular Dimension
Dragging any single part of an angular dimension, moves the curved arrows such that their distance from the centre of the dimension changes. The angle of the dimension is left unchanged.
As you move towards the centre of the dimension the dimension text (angle) cannot fit between the arrow heads, so the arrows change to be outwards pointing.
Snapping to Design Items
You can use Select Next and Select Previous after picking an item to Snap a dimension to. This allows you to cycle through the items close to the pick point in order to snap to the correct one.
There is an extra phase to stretching an existing dimension. If you have Snap to Item on and you drop the end of the dimension over more than one item, the cursor will change to include a question mark and you will enter a phase where you can use the context menu to perform Select Next/Previous to change the item. A left click or Escape key will keep the dimension as is, and re-enter select mode.
The command Snap To Edge enables you to snap the dimension to an edge of a line or pad. The default is the near edge. This is available in linear and radial dimensions.
Next Snap Point during Add Dimension enables you to change the snapped end of a dimension between the near and far edges of an object and its centre. If the item is a pad with a drill hole, you will be able to set the snap point to either edge of the drill hole and, if the drill position is offset, to the drill centre.
How To Alter The Dimension’s Appearance
Use Colours - Doc Shapes to change the colour of dimensions.
Use Properties - Dimensions to alter the following properties:
- Dimension: Length or angle units.
- Arrow: Line style, Head Appearance, Text Gap and Arrow Offset.
- Documentation Line: Line Style, Start Gap, Extended Length and Visibility.
- Dimension Text: Style, Alignment, Angle and Position.
Related Topics
Insert Dimension | Move | Place Dimension | Dimension Properties