How to Use This Page
Footprints in Library
The left-hand list shows the footprints found in the currently available libraries which have the correct number of pads. The pad count is specified in the Number of Pads control below the footprints list. There are two ways of using this as follows:
If you know how many pads your part has, uncheck the Show All Library Footprints box and enter the pad count in the Number of Pads field. The Footprints in Library list will be updated to show only footprints with the entered pad count.
If you do not know how many pads your part has, but know the footprint name, check the Show All Library Footprints box. The Footprints in Library list will be updated to show all available footprints. When you select a footprint in this list, the pad count in the Number of Pads field will change to show the pad count on the selected footprint. As soon as you add a footprint to the part (see below) the Footprints in Library list will change to only show footprints with the same pad count, ready for selection of alternative footprints for the part.
Footprints in Part
The right-hand list shows the footprints to included in this part. Note that the part only references the footprints, it does not contain a copy of them. So, when you actually come to use the part in a PCB design, the footprint libraries available at that time are searched to locate the footprint with the right name.
To include a footprint in the part, select the required footprint in the left-hand list and press Add, or double-click on the required footprint in the left-hand list.
To remove a footprint from the part, select the footprint name in the right-hand list and press Delete, or double-click on the footprint name you wish to remove.
The Up and Down buttons are used to change the order of the footprints in the part. The order is only significant for the first footprint, which becomes the default footprint to be used when adding this part to a PCB design.
If you attempt to move to the next page of the Wizard when building a normal or PCB only part without first assigning a footprint, you will be prompted to confirm that you wish to use the footprint currently selected on the dialog.
This shows a picture of the footprint that was selected in either footprint list last. The name of the footprint is displayed above the picture. Use this to confirm that the selected footprint is the correct one.
If the Vault is in use, the Vault section,
displayed below the right-hand list of footprints,
will show the Vault Item ID and Revision for the
footprint that was selected last in either footprint list.
By default, Revision shows the
A footprint that is not from the vault, will be shown as such in the ID field.
Part Wizard Pages
Start | Type of Part | Part Details | Power and Ground Pins | Schematic Symbols | Gate Pins Details | Attributes | Finish