These commands are used to report information from the Pulsonix Vault. There are commands to access items in the vault and report details from them, and there are commands to report vault information from items in a library or design.
List Of Vault Folders
Use this at the top level of a format script that is available to run on the Vault. It is used to report information about each of the Virtual Vault Folders that have been defined, with the ability to further report details about each vault item belonging to the folder.
For each vault folder you can report the following:
- Folder Name - The name of the virtual vault folder.
- Folder Path - The path of the vault folder within the Virtual Folder Tree.
- List of Vault Items - Use to report the vault items that belong to the vault folder. See details below.
- List of Parts - Use to report the parts that belong to the vault folder. See below for details.
- List of Vault Symbols - Use to report the symbols of a specified type that belong to the vault folder. See below for details.
List Of Vault Items
Use this at the top level of the script to report information about each item in a Pulsonix Vault Search, or about each item of a specified type in a vault folder or within the entire vault.
Use within a List of Vault Folders command to list all items that belong to each vault folder.
Use this list if you are reporting vault information like vault ID, revision number and audit trail details. If you want to report the contents of a part or symbol in the vault, use List of Parts or List of Vault Symbols instead.
Edit the vault item list command to choose the type of items you want reported. The following dialog will be displayed:
Choose a specific type of item from the vault, or use “Any” to report all vault item types or choose
For each vault item you can report the following:
- Type - The type of vault item, for example “Part”. This would used if listing all types to report the items type.
- Item Name - The name of the vault item. For example the part name or symbol name.
- Folder Path - The path of the vault folder within the Virtual Folder Tree that this item belongs to.
- Vault ID - The unique identification number for the vault. This can be found on Vault Sign In page.
- Vault Item ID - The unique identification number for the vault item.
- Vault Item Attribute - report the name or value of a specific attribute that has been made accessible in the vault for reporting and searching. Vault accessible attributes are set up using the Attributes page of the Vault Setup dialog. Edit the command to choose the required attribute name. Set the correct item type in the dialog to be able to select from a list of accessible attributes of the correct type.
- Vault Revision - Reports the current revision number for the item. Each time the item is checked back into the vault it receives a new revision number.
- Vault Revision Date - Reports the items current revision timestamp. This is the date this version of the item was created.
- Is Checked Out of Vault - Reports “true” if the item is currently checked out from the vault.
- Is Checked Out of Vault By Me - Reports “true” if the item is currently checked out from the vault by the currently signed in vault user name. The currently signed in user can be found on Vault Sign In page.
- Checked Out of Vault By - The name of the user that checked out the item from the vault. Blank if it is not checked out.
- List of Vault Item Attributes - Use to report information from all the vault accessible attributes for the vault item. See details below.
- List of Vault Item Audit Entries - Use to report details of the audit trail for the vault item. See details below.
- List of Vault Item Revisions - Use to report the different revisions of the vault item. See details below.
List of Vault Item Attributes
Use within List of Vault Items to report for each item its attributes that have been made accessible in the vault for reporting and searching. Vault accessible attributes are set up using the Attributes page of the Vault Setup dialog.
For each attribute you can use the Vault Item Attribute command to report its Name and Value fields.
List Of Vault Item Audit Entries
Use within List of Vault Items to report the audit trail of actions on each vault item.
For each audit entry you can report the following:
- Action Date - The date and time the action was performed.
- Action Type - The type of activity made. For example, “Checked out” or “Moved”.
- Notes - User note that was added when performing the action.
- User Name - The name of the user who performed the action.
- Vault ID - The unique identification number for the vault.
- Vault Item ID - The unique identification number for the vault item.
- Vault Revision - Reports the revision number for the item after the action. Each time the item is checked back into the vault it receives a new revision number.
- Vault Revision Date - Reports the items revision timestamp at the time of the action.
This command is also available from designs. It can be used to insert a audit trail table into the design. NOTE: The Vault needs to be available when the design is updated.
List Of Vault Item Refers To Entries
Use within List of Vault Items to report all the vault items used by each item, for example all the Footprints, Symbols and Associated Parts used by a Part.
Edit the list command to choose to report “All Revisions” that are used by the current item, or just the “Latest Revision”. Also edit the command to choose to report just the “Single Level” item that is directly used by the current item, or to report “All Levels” i.e. all items that are used by any item that is in turn used by the current item. For each Refers To entry, you can report the usual vault fields mentioned above and also use List of Vault Attributes.
List Of Vault Item Revisions
Use within List of Vault Items to report all the different revisions of each item. Each time the item is checked back into the vault it receives a new revision.
For each revision you can report the following:
- Vault ID - The unique identification number for the vault. This can be found on Vault Sign In page.
- Vault Item ID - The unique identification number for the vault item,
- Vault Revision - Reports the number for the item revision.
- Vault Revision Date - Reports the revision timestamp. This is the date this version of the item was created.
This command is also available from designs. It can be used to insert a version history table into the design. NOTE: The Vault needs to be available when the design is updated. Can also be used to report which items in the design (design, parts symbols and doc symbols) are not the latest version.
List Of Vault Item Where Used Entries
Use within List of Vault Items to report all the vault items that use each item, for example to quickly find all the Parts which use a particular Footprint, or even all the Designs that use a specific Part.
Edit the list command to choose to report “All Revisions” that use the current item, or just the “Latest Revision”. Also edit the command to choose to report just the “Single Level” item that directly uses the current item, or to report “All Levels” i.e. all items that use any item that in turn uses the current item. For each Where Used entry, you can report the usual vault fields mentioned above and also use List of Vault Attributes.
List Of Parts
This command can be used to report parts from a design or parts library, but can also be used to report details of parts in the vault. Use this at the top level of the script to report information about each part in a Pulsonix Vault Search, or about each part in the current virtual vault folder, or within the entire vault.
It can also be used within a List of Vault Folders command to list all parts that belong to each vault folder.
For each part you can report the normal fields like part name, gates, footprint names, pins etc. You can also report the following vault information:
- Vault ID - The unique identification number for the vault that this part was taken from.
- Vault Item ID - The unique vault identification number for the part.
- Vault Revision - Reports the current revision number for the part. Each time the part is checked back into the vault it receives a new revision number.
- Vault Revision Date - Reports the parts current revision timestamp. This is the date this version of the part was created.
List Of Vault Symbols
The List of Symbols command can be used to report symbols from a design or symbol library. The List of Vault Symbols command is the same, but is used to report details of symbols of a specified type in the vault. Use this at the top level of the script to report information about each symbol of the specified type in a Pulsonix Vault Search, or about each symbol of a specified type in the current virtual vault folder, or within the entire vault.
It can also be used within a List of Vault Folders command to list all symbols that belong to each vault folder.
Edit the list command to choose the type of symbol you want reported. The following dialog will be displayed:
Choose a specific type of symbol from the vault, or choose "
For each vault symbol you can report the normal symbol fields like symbol name, pins etc. You can also report the following vault information:
- Vault ID - The unique identification number for the vault that this symbol was taken from.
- Vault Item ID - The unique vault identification number for the symbol.
- Vault Revision - Reports the current revision number for the symbol. Each time the symbol is checked back into the vault it receives a new revision number.
- Vault Revision Date - Reports the symbols current revision timestamp. This is the date this version of the symbol was created.
Reporting Versions Of Vault Items in Designs
Latest Revision In Vault and Latest Revision Date In Vault - When used within the List Of Parts, List Of Components, List Of Symbols, List Of Doc Symbols or List Of Associated Parts command on a design, they can be used to report the latest revision name and date in the vault so that they can be compared with the revision name and date of items in the design. These commands need access to the vault to work. Note, the date commands should be copied to variables of type “Number” when used for comparison to avoid wrong text comparison. The number will be zero if the item was not found. These commands can be used to check a design to see if it has the latest revisions of its parts etc.
Out of date Vault Parts in Designs Script
The script Out_of_date_vault_parts_in_designs.vbs in the Scripts\Examples folder, will search the given directory, and sub directories if enabled, for any .PCB or .SCM/SCH files. For each design that it finds, it will run the given report on the design and output the appended report results from all designs to the text file Out_of_date_vault_parts_in_designs_report.txt located in the same directory as the script. This report will list any Vault Parts from all designs where the part’s revision is older than the most recent revision in the currently connected Vault.
From a command prompt instance:
Out_of_date_vault_parts_in_designs.vbs “Path-To-Design-Directory” “Report Name” Search-Sub-Directories(True or False)
Out_of_date_vault_parts_in_designs.vbs “C:\Pulsonix\Examples” “Out of Date Vault Items” true
Related Topics
Commands | Pulsonix Vault | Report Maker | Pulsonix Vault | Vault Attributes | Vault ID