Use this page to customise certain look and feel aspects of Pulsonix to suit your own personal preference.


Default Keys: None

Default Menu: Tools

Command: Customise

Locating this option

Available from: Tools menu > Customise option

How To Change the Application Look…

Selection of the Application Look tab from the Customise dialog reveals the dialog below.

Application Look

The Application Look enables you to change the look of the Status Bar, the interface (Light or Dark mode) and the use of Legacy Icons.

Checking Status Bar Borders will enable borders around the text displayed in the Status Bar. By not having borders to the text, it gives the Status Bar a much flatter look but can be more confusing as there is less differentiation. By default, this option is selected on.

Checking the Legacy Icons option will swap the icon set within Pulsonix to the older style ‘coloured’ icons. This can only be swapped in ‘Light’ mode and not in Dark mode. The Light mode icon set is used by default on a new installation.

The Dark button swaps the interface to a dark mode style. It also swaps out the current icon set (Light or Legacy) to use an alternative complementary dark set.

Workbook Tab Location

The Workbook Tab Location option on the dialog allows you to choose whether to position the tabs, shown when in Workbook Mode, at the Top or Bottom of the design area.


The Show Menu Icons button will switch all menu icons on if they have been switched off. Use the Hide Menu Icons button to switch off all menu icons. You may wish to do this to declutter the menu interface. By default, all menu icons are switched on.

The scale of all toolbar icons can be changed using the Toolbar Icon Scale slider. By default this will be set to 1.00. This slider has replaced the Large Icons option on the Options tab.

Apply Changes

Select the preferred look required then click the Apply Changes button. The appearance of the application will change to the chosen look but you will remain within this dialog. Using the Close button after changing

Customise Dialog Tabs

Customise Dialog

Commands tab

Toolbars tab

Tools tab

Menu tab

Keyboard tab

Application Look tab (this page)

Options tab

Workbook Mode | Status Bar | Toolbars