Use the Swap Symbols option to replace a particular symbol or group of symbols in the Parts Libraries. Options within the dialog allow individual or multiple searches to be performed using typed names or names read from a list.

Note: before using this tool, it is very highly recommended that you back up all your libraries in the event that you make replacements that later on turn out to be in error or not as expected.

Locating this option

Available from: Setup menu > Libraries > Parts > Swap Symbols option

The Swap Symbols dialog

The Swap Symbols dialog is displayed from within the Parts page of the Library Manager:

Choose to swap Footprints or Schematic Symbols in the Parts Library.

Optionally choose to add the swapped Footprint or Symbol as an Alternate symbol in the Parts Library. Selecting this option will force it to check the footprints you are adding using a pin count match before adding them as alternatives in the found Parts.

Select the This Library Only option to only make swaps in the current selected Parts Library. If All Libraries has been selected in the Parts Library dialog, this check box will be greyed out as not available. With a single library selected in the Parts dialog, the search will search and swap (where applicable) in all libraries unless this option is selected.

Select the Delete Old Symbols When Done option to delete the old symbols once they have been found and replaced in the Parts library.

Select the Generate Report option to report any changes and to report the success of name replacements when the option is run.

Load Report

You can enter a comma separated list of Parts to use as your search and a comma separated list of parts to replace them with.

You can also use the Load Report button to open a ‘Similar Symbols to (X)’ report produced through the Find Symbol option on the PCB Footprints or Schematic Symbols tabs of the Library Manager. This will use the perfect match option to fill the old names list for you. When you have entered the Parts to search for, click the Search button. A progress will show the progress of the search. The search is NOT case sensitive, however it requires the Part name to be exact, including spaces, otherwise the name will not be found.

Be careful when using this tool as no check is made to see if the replacement Footprint or Symbol is actually available, unless using the option with footprints to add alternative footprints.

Using the Search option

On selection of the Search button, when the search is complete, you will be presented with a list of Parts that use the Footprint or Symbol and the relevant Parts libraries. From the list, you can choose which items to replace before continuing. The search will be made on an entered Footprint or Symbol name defined as Old Name or by using the results of the Load Report option.

The OK button will start the process and replace all references to the previous Footprint or Symbol with the new names. If the new name list has more items than the old name list you have entered, the Swap Symbol option will replace all Parts with the single new Part name. This enables you to swap out the symbols to multiple old Parts with a single new Part.

Part Libraries | Part Editor