This dialog is displayed when the Properties option is chosen with a Attribute selected.
It shows and allows you to modify properties for the selected Attribute.
Default Keys: I or Alt+Enter
Default Menu: Edit
Command: Properties
Locating this option
Available from: Edit menu > Properties option
Available from: Context menu > Properties option
Available from: Shortcut key > I
Using the Attribute Properties Dialog
The Attribute Properties Dialog defines the attribute value, position and alignment. The font and size of the text is defined on the separate Text Style tab. Attribute properties are similar in PCB and Schematics with a couple of differences noted below.
The attribute value may be multi-line and of practically any length. For multi-line text, press the icon to the right of the entry field. You can then type multi-line text, pressing Return for each new line.
Use the Substitute Attribute button to paste another attribute name into the value in such a way that it will be replaced with its attribute value when in the design. The following dialog will be presented to allow you to choose the attribute you want substituted.
Choose the attribute from the list and press OK to have its name pasted into the value field, encapsulated with the correct substitution character.
When the Locked box is checked, the other fields in the dialog cannot be changed. Also, the attribute position cannot normally be moved or changed through any editing commands. This prevents it from being changed accidentally.
The Position and Angle of the attribute are shown in the current design units. In PCB you can also Mirror the attribute (which does not change the layer it is on).
In PCB you can specify the Layer of the text.
In Schematics, you can define which pages the attribute is Drawn On. Use This Page Only to specify it is only drawn on the current page. Use All Pages At This Level to draw the attribute on all the top level pages within the current block, or if it is not in a block then on all the top level pages in the design.
Text Alignment defines the Position the attribute is placed at, relative to the first line of text. So Bottom Left means the bottom left of the first line of text will be placed at Position.
When the Ignore Readable Orientation box is checked, the text will not be affected by the Adjust To Readable Orientation box in the Design Settings (General) tab of the Technology dialog.
Related Topics
Properties | Properties - Text Styles | Technology - Attribute Names | Text Styles