The Wildcard Wizard is designed to help create some of the more common wildcard match strings which are used within the system. The wizard is available from a number of dialogs, where there is an icon next to a field where you are required to enter a wildcard string.


Menu: None

Default Keys: None

Command: Wildcard Wizard

Using the wizard

The Wildcard Wizard is designed to enable you to select easy to understand phrases that represent your required choice and then populate the Match Value with a command that Pulsonix will understand. It simplifies the task of specifying a wildcard string without having to understand the wildcard syntax.

Defining the rules

The String: value is chosen match criteria.

Wildcard String: this shows how the string and chosen names are resolved into the value that will be used in the Match Value.

Note: Wildcards can also still be typed into the Match Value entry on the host page. This wizard is simply there as a convenient mechanism to assist you with complex wildcards.
