This tab allows you to set the default properties for Branch Point used when you add a Branch Point to the design.
Default Keys: Shift+D
Default Menu: Setup
Command: Design Settings
Locating this option
Available from:
Setup menu > Design Settings option > Defaults > Branch Point page
Setup menu > Technology option > Design Settings > Defaults > Branch Point page
Using the Branch Point Defaults Tab
Name Layer
This is the name of the Layer that the Branch Point Name resides on when displayed. It is selected from a drop down list defined in the Technology Layers dialog. This will be an layer available from the Layers dialog.
Name Style
This will be the Text style of the Branch Point Name when added to the design. Select the style using the drop down list of pin styles defined in the Technology Text Styles dialog.
Name Stem
The Name Stem is the default name that the Branch Point Name will take when adding a new Branch Point to the design. Each Branch Point will have a unique Name.
Generated Symbol
Branch Points in the design can be auto-generated by Pulsonix or can a user-defined symbol taken from the Documentation Symbol Library.
By selecting the check box Generated Symbol, a generated symbol will be used. If you intend using Branch Points as functional only and not decorative and annotated for some other reason, then these are suitable. If you intend using Branch Points but require displaying them in documentation or for some other process then you can choose to use a symbol from the library.
Doc Sym Name
This will either display
Use the Change button to select the Doc Symbol you require.
Origin Diameter
This will be the size of the ‘cross’ that denotes the origin of the Branch Point symbol. This is defined in your current design units.
via Branch Point From Top
With the via Branch Point From Top check box selected (PCB only), the track length is calculated when the layer thickness is taken into account. If a via is a branch point, it will add the extra length from the track layer to the top (or bottom).
Related Topics
Insert Branch Point | Technology Overview | Technology - Attribute Names | Properties | Branch Point Properties