These commands are used to report shape information from board outlines in a PCB design when using the List of Boards command, or to report special drill hole shapes when using the List Of Drill Holes command, or to report panel shapes from a panel design when using the List of Panel Shapes command..
Using the dialog
These commands use the standard Edit Value command dialog. The dialog will allow you to make selections using the Value: field for the commands required.
Use the List of Boards, List of Cutouts or List of Panel Shapes commands to report information about the shapes in the design. Use the following sub commands to report information from each shape.
Reports the area of the current board or cutout. The value reported uses your current design units or current report units (if the Coordinate Units command has been specified in your script).
If using on a board, this value also takes into consideration any board outline cutouts (the total area of any cutouts are taken out of the Area value reported).
Use this to report the physical extents of the current shape outline. The extents will be reported based on an orthogonal ‘box’ around the shape.
Is Circle
Reports if the current shape is a circle.
Is Selected
Reports if the current shape is a selected in the design.
Reports the length of the circumference of the current shape.
Line Width
Reports the width of the outline of the current shape.
List of Segments
Use this to report information about each of the segments in the current shape. See below for more details of the fields that can be reported for each shape.
Plated Through
Used within List of Cutouts command only. Reports whether a cutout is plated through.
Used within List of Panel Shapes to report the current shape type. The value reported will be “Outline”, “Tab-Rout” or “V-Score”. Use it in an If command to differentiate between the three types of panel shape.
Segment Commands
When using any of List of Boards, List of Cutouts, List of Panel Shapes or List of Drill Holes commands you can use the List Of Segments command to list all segments in the current shape being reported. For each segment you can use the following commands:
Is Arc
Use to report if the current segment is an arc.
Is Arc Clockwise
Use this command to test if the current arc segment being reported runs in a clockwise direction.
Start Position
Use this command to report the start position of the current segment.
End Position
Use this command to report the end position of the current segment.
Arc Angle
Use this to report the angle of the current arc segment. The value reported uses your current design units or current report units (if the Angle Units command has been specified in your script).
Arc Centre
Use this command to report the centre position of the current arc segment.
Arc Radius
Reports the radius of the current arc segment.
Line Angle
Use this to report the angle of the segment end point from the segment start point. The value reported uses your current design units or current report units (if the Angle Units command has been specified in your script).
Reports the length of the current segment.
Is Selected
Use to test if the current shape segment is selected.