The Pulsonix API License
It should be noted that the Pulsonix API license feature is not a general feature that is available. It is a partner license that is only available under an NDA and license agreement, and as such carries a third party license cost.
What is an API?
An application programming interface, or API, is an interface which allows accessing of functions and data from outside the application. This enables your own code to interact with the Pulsonix application and data.
As stated above, this feature using a special license which is available as a cost option. Please contact your local sales office for further information.
What can it do?
The Pulsonix API provides you with the ‘hooks’ to access a range of design data, including ‘read’ access to the majority of design and library data and also ‘write’ access to some aspects of this data.
How to use the pulsonix API
To launch Pulsonix from an external scripting interface, use the command:
CreateObject(“”) is the external name used for the Pulsonix application, which is not case sensitive. CreateObject returns the Pulsonix application as an object, which can be used to access all the functionality available in the Pulsonix API.
Write Plots
In this example, we will launch Pulsonix and write out two predefined plots for the top and bottom side of the our board.
Set MyApp = CreateObject("")
If Not MyApp Is Nothing Then
Set Design = MyApp.ActiveDocument()
If Not Design Is Nothing Then
Set Writer = MyApp.NewReportWriter()
End If
End If
Call MyApp.QuitApp
Component details
In this example, we will launch Pulsonix, open a design and write out details about all the components in the design.
Set MyApp = CreateObject("")
If Not MyApp Is Nothing Then
Set Design = MyApp.OpenDocument("C:\Program Files\Pulsonix 12.0\Examples\4L-SM-A.pcb")
If Not Design Is Nothing Then
Set Writer = MyApp.NewReportWriter()
Set DesignComps = Design.Components()
DesignComps.GroupBy ("side")
DesignComps.GroupBy ("partname")
DesignComps.SortBy ("name")
For Each Comp In DesignComps
Writer.Write (Comp.PartName)
Writer.Write (Comp.Name)
Set CompPos = Comp.Position
Writer.Write (Design.DsuToString(CompPos.X))
Writer.Write (Design.DsuToString(CompPos.Y))
Writer.Write (Comp.Angle)
Side = "Top"
If (Comp.Mirrored) Then
Side = "Bottom"
End If
Writer.Write (Side)
End If
End If
Call MyApp.QuitApp
Scripting Reference contains a full list of the functionality available in the Pulsonix API.