This wizard is used to import designs and libraries from other EDA vendors and save them in Pulsonix formats


Default Keys: None

Default Menus: File Data Transfer option

Command: Data Transfer

Locating this option

Available from: File menu > Data Transfer


This wizard enables you to convert multiple files of a given type, that are in the same folder. You can convert technology, library, design & profile files. In general the files that are converted are Ascii versions of the EDA Vendors’ design files.

Exporting files from other vendors

This is generally done by either using the Save As option or by using the Export option. Libraries can generally be exported from the appropriate Library Dialog.

Transferring Files

On the next page select the type of file that you want to transfer. The next page will give you a list of vendors whose format that we can currently transfer the data type. Select the vendor that you want to transfer the data from. This will then show you the pages that you can transfer data for. For example if you select Libraries then you will be get three pages :- Schematic Symbols, PCB Footprints and Parts. From these pages you select the files that you want to transfer and the folder that you want to transfer them to. If appropriate you can choose a technology file to base the library or design on. Once you have selected the files and progressed to the Finish Page you can review which files you are transferring. Once you have hit the Finish button the transfer will take place. Any information that you need to be informed of will be displayed in a Report window. There may be multiple report windows, but if there is no information there will be no reports.

File - Open | Libraries | Using Wizards | Data Transfer Wizard - Transfer Type | Data Transfer Wizard - Data Format | Data Transfer Wizard - Finish | Data Transfer Wizard - Parts | Data Transfer Wizard - PCB Footprints | Data Transfer Wizard - PCB Designs | Data Transfer Wizard - PCB Profiles | Data Transfer Wizard - PCB Technology Files | Data Transfer Wizard - Schematic Designs | Data Transfer Wizard - Schematic Profiles | Data Transfer Wizard - Schematic Symbols | Data Transfer Wizard - Schematic Technology Files