Use this dialog to define the coordinate and angle units to be used in a standard report.

Locating this option

Available from: Output menu > Reports > Own Units For standard Report button

Using the dialog

Length Units

Imperial - Choose from a list of imperial base units.

Metric - Choose from a list of metric base units.

Coord Text - Type text to appear after each coordinate in the report file. Leave blank if you just require the coordinate by itself.

Precision - Enter how may decimal places you wish to report for coordinates.

Trailing Zeros and Rounding Indicators

For each type of units, you can specify a precision. This is the number of decimal places displayed, the value is simply rounded to the nearest last digit. If you have the Rounding Indicator displayed, a

  • or - sign is shown at the end of the value to show that is has been rounded down or up. If Trailing Zeros are not displayed, the trailing zeros are not shown for values which do not require all the decimal places.

Angle Units

Degrees - Angles will be reported in degrees.

Radians - Angles will be reported in radians.

Angle Text - Type text to appear after each angle in the report file. Leave blank if you just require the angle by itself.

Precision - Enter how may decimal places you wish to report for angles.

Standard Reports | Generate Reports