Use this page to specify which types of routing to do in Specctra.
You can specify if you want to do full Auto Routing, Memory Routing, Manufacturing tidy and Conflict Removal. Where appropriate you can select the number of passes that you want.
Enable AutoRouting if you want to run the basic autorouting.
Enable Memory Routing if you wish memory (or bus) routing to done before anything else.
Enable Manufacturable Tidy to if you wish manufacturing tidies such as via count reduction, notch and bend removal, and stair step removal. There are two ways of doing this, Ripup Clean which completely re-routes offending paths, whereas Fast Clean does not. Ripup Clean is more thorough and gives better results.
Enable Conflict Removal which removes final routing conflicts by executing routing passes that increase the conflict cost. Each pass increases the conflict cost and in the last pass conflicts are prohibited.
Specctra Wizard
Start | Routing Types | Defaults | Choose Layers | Nets | Routing Costs | Pin - Pin Limits | Protect | Breakout | Mitre | Testpoints | Files | Finish
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