Cadstar files in the following formats can be opened in Pulsonix (all Cadstar For Windows - versions - 1.0 to current):

  • Cadstar Schematic designs in ASCII (.csa format)
  • Cadstar PCB designs in ASCII (.cpa format)
  • Cadstar libraries (Parts, Schematic Symbols and PCB Component libraries) in ASCII (Parts .lib, SCM Symbols .csa, PCB Components [Footprints] .cpa formats)

Additional Information

Specific information is available for the Cadstar CPA ASCII Import dialog and Layer Mapping dialog.

Special Notes For Importing Cadstar ASCII Files Into Pulsonix

Currently, Cadstar DOS, MAXI-PC and Redboard formats are not supported directly. Please contact your local sales office to check their availability. These files may be imported into Pulsonix by loading the design into Cadstar For Windows first and then saving as an ASCII file. The Pulsonix development centre has access to this capability if required.

Designs which have been created in Cadstar DOS format, and subsequently saved in Cadstar For Windows, then exported to cpa format may contain items which will be imported as they appeared in the original files but which are not good practice, but which are retained as the original file.

Features which appear and are not resolved are shown below. Both of these issues can be easily resolved once imported the Pulsonix PCB design environment:

  • Copper shared tracks (tracks which take the same path and are overlaid), especially if originally routed using the DOS router.
  • Vias which have been added as part of copper sharing tracks but are not merged.

Exporting All Libraries From Cadstar

It is recommended that you import libraries into Pulsonix in the following sequence to ensure full library integrity: Schematic Symbol library, PCB Component library then Parts library last.

Exporting Schematic Symbol Libraries From Cadstar

Cadstar Schematic Symbol libraries exported in ASCII are saved in .csa format. They are basically the same as a full Schematic design but are only a subset obviously as they contain no additional design information other than symbol data.

To Export a Schematic Symbol library ASCII file from Cadstar and load into Pulsonix

  1. In Cadstar, from the Libraries menu, select Schematic Symbols.

  2. Within the library manager you will need to select all components using the Select All button (if you require all items), if you only want a selection make the choice.

  3. Select the Archive button

  4. From the Export To File dialog you can output the component library in ASCII format, choose which items of the library are output, the filename and the ASCII format.

  5. Pulsonix requires that the Archive Format is used and up to the Revision 16 Format in the Options dialog.

    For the selection in the Categories option, it really depends on whether you require all the assignments defined in the assignments table or just the assignments used in the component library. the default selection is the All Assignments switch.

  6. The file exported from Cadstar will be in .csa format (the same as a design). This can be imported directly into the Pulsonix library using the Add File option on the Schematic Symbols tab of the Pulsonix Library Manager dialog. Alternatively, you can use the the Data Transfer Wizard located on the Standard Toolbar

Exporting Component (Footprint) Libraries From Cadstar

Cadstar Component libraries exported in ASCII are saved in .cpa format. They are basically the same as a full PCB design but are only a subset obviously as they contain no additional design information other than footprint data.

To Export a Component (Footprint) library ASCII file from Cadstar and load into Pulsonix

  1. In Cadstar, from the Libraries menu, select PCB Components, these are the PCB footprints.

  2. Within the library manager you will need to select all components using the Select All button (if you require all items), if you only want a selection make the choice.

  3. Select the Archive button

  4. From the Export To File dialog you can output the component library in ASCII format, choose which items of the library are output, the filename and the ASCII format.

  5. Pulsonix requires that the Archive Format is used and up to the Revision 16 Format in the Options dialog.

    For the selection in the Categories option, it really depends on whether you require all the assignments defined in the assignments table or just the assignments used in the component library. The default selection is the All Assignments switch.

  6. The file exported from Cadstar will be in .cpa format (the same as a design). This can be imported directly into the Pulsonix library using the Add File option on the PCB Footprints tab of the Pulsonix Library Manager dialog. Alternatively, you can use the the Data Transfer Wizard located on the Standard Toolbar

Exporting Parts Libraries From Cadstar

Parts libraries up to, and including release 15 of Cadstar, are ASCII files and do not require ‘exporting’, translation or additional formatting into ASCII format. As ASCII files, they can loaded directly by Pulsonix. Once loaded they will be saved in Pulsonix binary format.

You will require the Cadstar Parts libraries using the file extension .lib. The Partlibs.lst and Parts.idx files associated with Cadstar Parts libraries are not required

  1. The Cadstar Parts library in (.lib) can be imported directly into the Pulsonix library using the Add File option on the Parts tab of the Pulsonix Library Manager dialog. Alternatively, you can use the the Data Transfer Wizard located on the Standard Toolbar
  2. Once imported, the Parts library will reference both the successfully imported Schematic Symbols and PCB Footprint libraries.

Exporting Schematic Designs From Cadstar

  1. To export Cadstar designs use the Export option on the File menu.
  2. Select the ASCII option and save the file. Pulsonix does not check the file extension, only the file contents for the format. The file extension will be .csa
  3. In Pulsonix, use the Open option on the File menu to load the design, or use the Data Transfer Wizard located on the Standard Toolbar

Exporting PCB Designs From Cadstar

  1. To export Cadstar designs use the Export option on the File menu.
  2. Select the ASCII option and save the file. Pulsonix does not check the file extension, only the file contents for the format. The file extension will be .cpa
  3. In Pulsonix, use the Open option on the File menu to load the design, or use the Data Transfer Wizard located on the Standard Toolbar

Using Exported Schematic Netlists From Cadstar

Exporting Schematic Netlists From Cadstar

As well as Schematic designs, Pulsonix can also read in a netlist created in Cadstar for use with the Pulsonix PCB Design Editor. Although, this is is not a very efficient use of Pulsonix it can be done. It is much more efficient to use Pulsonix Schematics for the front end, as the product then has the complete libraries and the ability to synchronise the designs etc.

The process below describes the netlist export mechanism:

Pulsonix requires netlists to be collated before they can be read in; collation is the process of checking all the gates and reference designators [names - IC1 etc.] and library references are correct and that items exist outside the schematic and that there are no identical names.

  1. Use the Export option on the File menu.
  2. From the dialog select the PCB Archive Format as the output format, this provides you with a collated netlist. For a new design the Whole Design would be chosen from the source data selection, but it may be that not all the design is required.
  3. Use the Selected Sheets button if only particular sheets are required and make the selection through the browser. Multiple selections can be made in this dialog using the Ctrl and Shiftkeys.

Back Annotating To Cadstar Schematics

Once annotation changes have been made in the Pulsonix PCB design editor, these changes are automatically saved in the Pulsonix design ready to be back annotated to your Cadstar Schematic. Use the following procedure to do this:

  1. In Pulsonix, from the File menu, select the Back Annotation option. Save the file in Cadstar format using the file extension .rin. This will be a suitable to be read into Cadstar Schematics. Note: because the design was originally imported as a netlist from Cadstar, Pulsonix will allow you you save the file in .rin format, otherwise it will request the Pulsonix Schematic design file to be located.
  2. In Cadstar, use the Back Annotate option from the File menu.
  3. From the dialog, select the back annotation file saved and press OK. All changes made will be saved to your Cadstar Schematic design.

Importing Cadstar Designs into Pulsonix

Below is a brief summary of the import mechanism, the principle is the same for both Schematic and PCB designs:

  1. In Pulsonix, from the File menu, select Open or drag and drop the .cpa file from your Windows browser onto the open Pulsonix application.
  2. Pulsonix will present you with an Import file from which to make various selections, it will then import.
  3. Alternatively, you can use the Data Transfer Wizard to import your designs and libraries.

More detailed information about using the Import dialog can be found on the cpa Import Interface help page.

When importing, Layer Mapping can be performed to map between the Cadstar cpa file and the Pulsonix technology file, more information can be found here.

Importing Cadstar Libraries into Pulsonix

Below is a brief summary of the import mechanism for library items:

For importing libraries, you can either use the library files if they have been exported or you can use a design to create a library of just the design based library items. The principle is the same in both instances.

  1. For importing libraries, you can either use the Library Manager and Import mechanism on each page for each library type
  2. Alternatively, you can use the Data Transfer Wizard.

Open | Cadstar cpa Import Dialog | Layer Mapping | Data Transfer Wizard | Back Annotate