Use this page to set up the filenames for running Specctra.

Specctra Design File Browse

Use Specctra Design File Browse if you want to change the name or location of the saved Specctra design file.

Specctra Options File Browse

Use Specctra Options File Browse if you want to change the name or location of the saved Specctra options file. This options file can be used again to invoke Specctra. Use Specctra with Options to start Specctra with an options file.

Specctra Wizard

Start | Routing Types | Defaults | Choose Layers | Nets | Routing Costs | Pin - Pin Limits | Protect | Breakout | Mitre | Testpoints | Files | Finish

Introduction To The Specctra Router | Load Specctra Results | Specctra Smart Router | Specctra with Options