You can add Components (a Part calling a Schematic symbol and referencing a PCB Footprint) and Schematic Documentation symbols into the Schematic design editor.
Schematic Components are used to define a Part body and a Schematic logic symbol. These are defined as a Part using a Schematic Symbol and PCB Footprint ready for translation from Schematics to PCB as part of the integrated design process.
Schematic Components appear in any Parts or Netlists lists generated from within the design editor.
Schematic Documentation symbols are used to document the Schematic without appearing on the Parts or Net list. Some items can, however, be intelligent and be transferred to PCB, such as testpoints or star points. Doc Symbols do not have any Part information but are managed in the Library Manager. Generally, Doc Symbols in the Schematic are used for drawing blanks or titles, star points, testpoints, signal references (power and Ground symbols), cross sheets references, page links, block instances and block ports.
PCB and Schematic documentation symbols are not interchangeable but may have the same function e.g. a title block. In this instance they would have to appear in both documentation symbol libraries. Common shape information could be copied and pasted from one library to another, detail such as the layers would not be pasted if copying from PCB to Schematic.
Related Topics
Library Manager | Schematic Symbol Library | Parts Wizard | New - SCM Doc Symbol | Insert Doc Symbol | Insert Component