A branch point is a logical point in a net used to split a track to follow different paths. It is particularly useful when used to add a branch to a Signal Path, or Differential Pair allowing you to use length match rules to match the length of multiple branches.
Use this option to add a branch point into a net. A branch point can be a documentation symbol, defined in a Library, or in a PCB design you can nominate a via to be a branch point. A Branch Point has a name, so it can easily found and used within signal paths and differential pairs.
Default Keys: None
Default Menu: Insert
Command: Insert Branch Point
How to insert a branch point
Once in the option, you need to decide the type of Branch Point you want to use. On the context menu you can choose to change the branch point symbol (the default symbol is defined in the Branch Point Defaults dialog). In a PCB design, you can also choose to insert a Branch Point Via instead.
Select an item on the required net, then place the Branch Point. Drop it in space to add a branch point, or drop it on top of a via to turn the via into a branch point. If it is dropped over a track, the track is split and the branch point is inserted into it.
Alternatively, to turn a via into a branch point you do not need to use this insert mode. Just select the via and use Change Branch Point from the shortcut menu.
Note: The size of all branch point symbol origins is defined in the Branch Point tab in the Branch Point Defaults dialog.