Use this to automatically update and display the values on selected Bias Voltage Markers.

Bias Voltage Markers are Parts used to annotate the schematic with the results of a DC operating point analysis, displaying the voltage on the net they are placed on. The values shown on the markers are updated automatically each time you simulate.


Default Keys: None

Default Menu: Simulation

Command: Update Bias Voltage Values

How To Update Bias Marker Values

First select the Bias Voltage Markers that you wish to perform the operation on.

Then use the Update Values option from the Bias Annotation sub-menu on the Simulation menu.

The attribute on all selected Bias Marker Parts will be updated from the latest Simulation Results, and displayed if previously hidden.

The format of the marker values can be changed using the Simulation Parameters options page.

You may hide the values displayed on the selected markers by using the Hide Values option from the Bias Annotation menu.

Autoplace Markers | Delete All Markers | Hide Values | Insert Bias Marker | Simulation Parameters