The Track & Via Size Limit Rules dialog in the Schematic Editor can also be used in a special mode to to define and assign actual Track and Via sizes which are then passed into the Net Styles page of your Technology in the PCB Design Editor. This enables you to predefine the Track styles or Vias styles up front as you design the Schematic.

An overview of the process

Below is an overview of the general process:

  • In the Schematic Editor, define the Track & Via Size Limit Rules. You will define values for actual Track sizes and Via sizes required.
  • In the Design Settings Synchronise dialog, enable the option, Apply Schematic Track & Via Size Rules. This enhances the use of the Track & Via Size Limit Rules dialog. This setting can also be made in the Technology file you intend using.
  • Once defined in the Schematic, Track and/or Via Styles can now be passed through into your PCB where they will be used in Net Styles. Both the Translate To PCB and Synchronise Designs options will use this feature once the switch is set.


Setting the option

An option in the Design Settings Synchronise allows Net Styles in PCB to be created from the Track & Via Size Rules in the Schematic. Use the Apply Schematic Track & Via Size Rules to Net Styles switch to enable this feature. This can also be saved to your Technology file.

Translate To PCB and Synchronise Designs

If Translating To PCB to create the initial design, your PCB Technology used must already have this switch set in order to pass across the settings. If it is not set, then once set, use the Synchronise Designs option to update the design with these settings.

Track & Via Size Limit Rules

The Track & Via Size Limit Rules in the Schematic should be defined in accordance to your requirement. These can be generic such as all Net Names in the design, or more refined such as specifically named nets such as DQS*. Other parameters can be selected from the drop-down list as well as Layers, Sides and a selection Within Areas.

Design Settings Synchronisation

Once the Apply Schematic Track & Via Size Rules to Net Styles switch has been checked in the PCB Design Settings Synchronise dialog, you can then define the Track and Via styles in your Schematic design.

From in the Schematic design, use the Technology dialog and DFM/DFT Rules � Track & Via Size Limit dialog to add rules that will be passed into your PCB design.

Translation to PCB

During Translate to PCB, with the switch set in your PCB Technology file, this setting will be initially applied to the new design and your Schematic Track & Via Size Limit Rules will be defined in the PCB.

If the Track & Via Size Limit Rules are applied to the PCB, it will add new Track styles and a new Pad Style to the Technology. Two new Track Styles will be created based on the Min and Max Track width defined. The Pad style created will use the Min and Max Via Diameter to create a pad of the Max diameter size with a drill using the Min Diameter value.

A new Via Pad style is added to the Pad Styles dialog:

New Track styles are added to the Track Styles dialog:

Matching settings in the Net Styles dialog for the nets requiring them will also be created using the new (or matched) Track and Via Styles.

Technology Overview | Track & Via Size Limit Rules | Track Styles | Via Styles | Design Settings Synchronise | Net Styles | Translate To PCB | Synchronise Designs