This tab allows you to setup parameters which define how various schematics interaction options behave.


Default Keys: O

Default Menu: Setup

Command: Options

Locating this option

Available from: Setup menu > Options > Interaction page

Using the Interaction Options Tab


Drag Sensitivity - Use this to tune the drag responsiveness of the mouse when used in the design window. This is the distance the mouse has to be dragged before Pulsonix recognises the operation as a mouse drag and acts accordingly. The reason for this option is to help avoid getting mouse drags when you are trying to perform a click whilst the mouse is slightly being moved.

The Reset button sets it to the in-built value that we think gives the correct distinction between mouse clicks and drags.


Sensitivity - Use this to tune the amount you want the window view to change when using the Zoom commands. Low means the view changes very little

The Reset button sets it to the in-built value that we think gives the best general result.

Reversed Mouse Zoom causes the zoom operation to be reversed when using the mouse wheel. So rolling the wheel backwards or forwards will be reversed with respect to zooming in or out.

Zoom at Cursor also re-centres window causes the window view to also always be re-centred about the zoom position.


Sensitivity - Use this to tune the amount you want the window view to change when using the pan commands. Low means the view changes very little

The Reset button sets it to the in-built value that we think gives the best general result. The default causes the currently selected point to move to the centre of the screen.

Reversed Mouse Pan causes the pan operation to be reversed when using the mouse. So during pan, mouse movement backward, forward, left or right will cause the pan to be in the opposite direction.

Middle Mouse

Rolling Wheel Does Zoom In/Out - Unchecking this option allows the scroll wheel to move the viewing area up and down (instead of zooming in and out). Holding down the Shift key whilst scrolling will move the viewing area right and left. Holding the Ctrl key down whilst scrolling will zoom in and out of the viewing area.

Middle Button Does Pan - Unchecking this option stops any panning occurring when holding down the middle mouse button.


Unextended Delete - Deletes Segments - This option only applies when using Unextended Delete. Check this box if you want to be able to just delete the selected segments and leave the rest of the shape. This option applies to schematic connections, busses and shapes. When a bus is split in two by deleting a segment, the two halves will have the same bus name and signals. When a connection is split in two the two halves will obey the Split Unlabelled Sub Nets option mentioned below.

Split Unlabelled Sub Nets - If this is checked, after running delete on a labelled named net, any new sub nets that have been created and are unlabelled will be split from their old net to form new unnamed nets. This switch has no effect if both sub nets are labelled.

A Warning will be given allowing the user to cancel the delete if required. Leave the option unchecked to keep the unlabelled sub nets on the same net.

Note: an unlabelled sub net is one that does not display its net name and does not have a signal reference documentation symbol with a predefined net type or name. These can be found using the Electrical Rules Check option.

Highlight New Nets - If this is checked, after running Delete any new nets that have been added will be highlighted. Use this with the Split Unlabelled Sub Nets option to easily see which sub nets have been split to form new nets after the deletion.


Check Copy Single Cutout As Shape to make Copy take a single selected cutout and turn it into a single shape on the clipboard. This can then be used by the Paste command within the Insert Cutout and Insert - Merge operations. Leave unchecked to always copy the whole shape containing the selected cutout.

If you copied a single cutout with the “Copy Single Cutout As Shape” Interactive option set, you can paste this as a cutout by preselecting the target shape or another cutout associated with the target shape. The pasted cutout will be added as a cutout to the selected shape.


Rotation Step, defines the angle of rotation for the Rotate One Step command.

Power & Ground Pins

When adding components with predefined signals, or a type of Power or Ground on the part pins, you can choose if they are automatically connected to the appropriate net. You can also choose to always be prompted with the Select Signal for Pin dialog before each pin is connected, or for such pins to Never be automatically connected. If there is a choice (for example more than one power net), then you will be prompted anyway.


Undo Pan/Zoom, allows you to turn off pan and zoom when performing Undo.

Cross Probe

Bring probed design to front, when checked, causes the window of the probed design to come to the front. This may be desirable is you are using Cross Probe to perform some interactive operation in the probed design.

Probe Any Design - Uncheck this to only probe the design with a matching name to the one you are currently editing. If there is no matching design, all open designs will be probed.

Open Schematic Page - Check this box to automatically open the schematic page containing the probed item if it is not already open.

Select Using Find Options - Check this to cause the corresponding probed item to be found using the same settings used in the find bar. Example: Flash It!

Probe Synchronised Design - Check this to find the probed item in the synchronised design.

Online Cross Probe - Check this to enable automatic Cross Probe while selecting items.

Cursor Text

Some interactive operations may display information text next to the cursor. Use Offset from Cursor to define how far this text is from the cursor. You can also use the Reposition Cursor Text command whilst cursor text is displayed to change its position relative to the cursor.

Join Open Shapes

Set the Join Tolerance that will be used by the Join Open Shapes function. If the adjacent ends of two open shapes are within this distance they will be joined together.

Other Options Tabs

Attribute Names | Delete | Cross Probe | Join Open Shapes | Rotate One Step | Select Mode | Part Editor - Net Names on Pins