Whilst Editing Connections in the Schematic Design editor, the Disconnect Con End option is available on the context menu. This is used to disconnect the end of the connection from a design item such as a pad or via, thus enabling you to connect it to another pin. The shape of the connection path remain unchanged. This is useful if you wish to remove a component and replace with a similar component.


Default Keys: None

Default Menu: None

Commands: Disconnect Con End

Locating this option

In Edit Connection mode, available from: Context menu > Disconnect Con End option

How To Use ‘Disconnect Con End’ whilst Editing Connections

During Edit Connection you can right click and use the Disconnect Con End option on the context menu.

The end of the connection will become disconnected from the Pin or Junction point (on a T junction) to which it is currently connected. You can then continue editing the connection, connecting it to another item as required.

The end to be disconnected is determined by the direction in which the connection is being edited, you can reverse the direction of edit by using the Reverse Edit Direction option from the context menu.

Edit Connection | Reverse Edit Direction | Auto Weld