This dialog is displayed when the Properties option is chosen with a block instance selected.
It shows and allows you to modify properties for the block instance.
Default Keys: I or Alt+Enter
Default Menu: Edit
Command: Properties
Locating this option
Available from: Edit menu > Properties option
Available from: Context menu > Properties option
Available from: Shortcut key > I
Using the Block Instance Properties Dialog
Name is the name of the block instance, which should be unique. The check box alongside the name shows if the name is currently displayed on the block instance symbol.
Block is the name of the block. This cannot be edited. The check box alongside the name shows if the name is currently displayed on the block instance symbol.
Description is the description defined on the block. It can be edited on an unlocked block instance. The check box alongside the name shows if the description is currently displayed on the block instance symbol.
Can be Multiply Instanced, if checked, means that all such instances of this block share the same definition. Only one of these instances may be unlocked and edited, the edits can then be applied to all the other instances by using the Update Multi-Instanced Block command.
Locked Instance, if checked, prevents the contents of this instance from being edited. This is used in conjunction with the Can be Multiply Instanced property, described above, to control which instance can be edited.
Create PCB Group, if checked, will cause a group to be created in the matching PCB. The group will contain all the components inside the block instance. The group will have a name made up of Block Group Name Prefix as defined in the PCB technology Block defaults, followed by the Block Instance name.
This property tab is always used in conjunction with the Documentation Symbol properties tab, and the Block Ports Properties tab.
Related Topics
Properties - Documentation Symbol | Properties - Block Ports | Properties - Attributes | Insert Block Instance | Hierarchy Overview