This dialog is used to select and define shortcut keys for Pulsonix. Shortcut keys offer an alternative method of performing actions for users who prefer the keyboard to the mouse. Any command may be assigned to a given key or keyboard combination. The command can then be performed simply by pressing the assigned shortcut key.


Default Keys: None
Command: Shortcut Keys

Locating this option

Available from: Tools menu > Customise dialog > Shortcut Keys tab

Shortcut Keys

Pulsonix comes with a predefined set of Shortcut Keys for its most commonly used operations. These are however, the default set supplied and may be changed, removed or added to according to your own personal preferences using the Keyboard tab on the Customise dialog located on the Tools menu.

If a command, to which a Shortcut Key is assigned, is available from a menu, the Shortcut Key combination is displayed alongside the option in the menu. Also, optionally, Shortcut Keys can be included in the tooltips displayed for toolbar buttons.

Modifying Shortcut Keys using the Keyboard dialog

The Keyboard dialog allows you to query, remove or add to the Shortcut Keys currently assigned to commands.

The Category list, in the top left of the dialog, allows you to restrict the list of commands shown to only those in the chosen category. Select All Commands to see a complete list.

The Commands list shows the commands to which you can assign a shortcut key. The currently selected command is shown in the box at the top of the list. The commands can be filtered to make them easier to locate.

Use the Filter to find command names which contain a given string, or are only available within the Context of a given design type. You must press the Apply button to apply the selected filter. Note that the filter will be applied within the currently selected Category.

You can also identify a command by its currently assigned shortcut. To do this type the key into the Press New Shortcut box. If a command is a assigned, it will be displayed below Assigned to:.

The Description box displays a brief description of the currently selected command.

The Assigned Shortcuts list shows any shortcuts currently assigned to the command. You can assign more than one shortcut to the same command, but you cannot assign the same shortcut to different commands. Clicking the Remove button removes the currently selected shortcut.

To assign a shortcut, type the key into the box positioned below the prompt Press New Shortcut:. Clicking the Assign button will assign this shortcut key to currently selected command. If the key is already assigned to another command it will be displayed below Assigned to: and you be able to Reassign instead.

The Reset All button resets all shortcuts to the Defaults.

The Assignment Report buttons produce a report of all the currently assigned shortcut keys. The list can be sorted By Command name or By Key.

Customise Dialog Tabs

Commands tab
Toolbars tab
Tools tab
Menu tab
Keyboard tab
Application Look tab
Options tab

Default Shortcut Keys | Generate Reports | Workbook Mode | Status Bar | Toolbars | Button Appearance | Edit Button Image