Use this to fatten existing tracks wherever the fattened track would be legal. You can also use it to neck (thin down) existing illegal sections of track.
Default Keys: None
Default Menu: Tools
Command: Fatten/Neck All Tracks
Default Keys: None
Default Menu: Tools
Command: Fatten/Neck Selection
Locating this option
Available from: Tools menu > Fatten/Neck All Tracks or Selection option
Available from: Context menu > Fatten/Neck Selection option
Fatten / Neck
Before | After |
Track fattening increases the width of tracks to the Maximum Width defined on the Net for each track segment. Where the fattened segment is legal it is changed to the fattened width. Segments will be broken so that legal sections are fattened, but illegal sections remain thin, no section will be shorter than the minimum defined on the Net (unless the whole segment is already shorter than this). Curved segments are not broken and will be fattened only if the whole curve is legal.
Segments which are already wider than the Minimum Width defined on the Net are also checked and necked to this minimum width if they are not legal. Segments are also broken so that the legal sections remain at their current width, in a similar way to above. Curved segments are not broken and will be necked only if the whole curve is legal.