The Find Symbol dialog allows you to search Symbols within all libraries based on their appearance.
Locating this option
Available from: Setup menu > Libraries > Schematic Symbols > Find button
Using the Find Symbol dialog
There are two methods of using this dialog: using a search based on criteria set from an existing symbol, and a custom search which allows you to define the search criteria.
The Find Symbol option can take parameters passed through on specific, Symbol: name selected from your library. As the name is pre-selected from the Contents list in your library, it is not editable here. Parameters are displayed on this dialog, extracted from the symbol, such as Pins on the Symbol Layout.
Alternatively, by selecting the Custom Search check box, you can define your own parameters.
The Find Symbol tool will generate a value for the Part you have selected in the Library Manager page, these values will represent the pin layout in relation to the Symbol selected. The values represent the number of pins and in which direction they are found in relation to the Symbol.
At this point you can perform two types of searches all with different results based on the search options and criteria. By default the tool will run a simple ‘pin match’ basic search.
Basic Search
By default, running a search will result in a list of symbols that match the pin count in each direction as calculated by the tool. Using the check boxes available you may tell the tool to search for any combination of pins you choose using the Custom Search option or any orientation of this symbol by un-checking the Match Rotation option. For example a Custom Search for a symbol with 4 pins to the left and 2 to the right with Match Rotation disabled will return a list of Symbols that have either: (4 left pins, 2 right pins) (4 top pins, 2 bottom pins) (2 left pins, 4 right pins) (2 top pins, 4 bottom pins)
This search however does not match symbol shapes and can return symbols with different orientations, layouts and logic directions. For a more exact match the Exact Symbol Match option should be checked.
Exact Symbol Match Search
With the Exact Symbol Match option selected, this optional will give you three different options for your search. Due to the nature of this search the tool assumes you are looking for a Symbol with the same number of pins in the same position as the Symbol you selected in the Library Manager.
This may return very similar Symbols but can be refined further to match the Symbols Origin Position, Pin Order and Symbol Shapes. The Matching Origin option will ensure the found symbols have the same symbol origin point. The Matching Pin Order option will ensure the pins are numbered in the same way. Most importantly the Match Symbol Shapes option ensures the found symbols have identical shapes, ensuring that any logic marks are matched in the found symbols
Searching the Library
After setting your search criteria use the Search button to run the search. Depending on how many open and active symbol libraries you have, and the complexity of your search this could take some time to search for matching Symbols.
A list of symbols matching your search criteria will be displayed to the right and clicking any item in the list will update the part preview in the Library Manager and select that Symbol from its list.
Current Library Only
Selecting the Current Library Only option will mean that the search will only look in your current library. Leaving this unchecked will mean all available libraries enabled will be searched.
Generate Report
Selecting the Generate Report option will produce you a report of any symbols that are found that match your search criteria.
Related Topics
Libraries | Parts Libraries dialog | Schematic Symbol Libraries dialog | PCB Footprint Libraries dialog