This tab allows you to set up preferences which define how actions in Select Mode behave. Note: If you are using a Select Mask, some of these options may not apply or be overridden.
Default Keys: O
Default Menu: Tools
Command: Options
Locating this option
Available from: Tools menu > Options > Select > page
Using the Select Options Tab
Select tight groups, when checked causes all items in a tight group to be selected when any one of the items is selected. When not checked, the group is only selected it you attempt an operation which would otherwise destroy the relative positions of the items in the group.
Minimum Pick Tolerance, check this to reduce the tolerance of picking, this means you would have to be more accurate when clicking on items. This is useful if you are often zoomed out on designs.
Enable Nudge when checked, this allows you to move the selected items by one grid step using the Left, Right, Up & Down keys (or 10 grid steps - using Ctrl + cursor keys). Online rule checking will still apply where appropriate.
Do Not Pick Locked Items when checked, locked items will not be pickable in all circumstances (apart from Unlock in latch mode). Locked items will be drawn in a dimmed colour to indicate they cannot be picked (the same as if you make a colours category non pickable).
Select Whole Components. If this is checked, selecting any part of a component will select the whole component, subsequent shift select on a part of the component will change the selection to just the picked item. You can set exceptions to this behaviour when picking pads and attributes with the check boxes below. Unchecking the option means just the picked component part will be selected, subsequent shift select will select the whole component.
Select Component Attributes. This is only relevant if Select Whole Components is enabled. Check the option to allow selecting of visible component attributes. Uncheck it to have the whole component selected when picking attributes, subsequent shift select on the attribute will change the selection to just that attribute.
Select Component Pads. This is only relevant if Select Whole Components is enabled. Check the option to allow selecting of visible component pads. Uncheck it to have the whole component selected when picking pads, subsequent shift select on the pad will change the selection to just that pad.
Select From Popup List when checked, allows you to use the Alt key when selecting to be presented with a Popup List to choose the required item.
Drag Along Shape Selects Path Between 2 Points, when checked, gives a quick way to perform Select Path on any shape. Simply begin a drag operation at the start of the path and drag along the shape. Release at the end of the path, the path remains selected and can than be repositioned or the style changed as appropriate.
Ctrl Drag Does Duplicate, check this if you want a drag of the cursor over a design item with the Ctrl key pressed down to create a copy of the item. Leave unchecked to always drag the item.
Ctrl Drag Sig Ref To Copy Net Name is available when editing a schematic design. Check this if you want to always copy the net name of a signal reference when duplicating it by Ctrl dragging. Ctrl+Shift+Drag a signal reference to override this option (i.e if this option is enabled, Ctrl+Shift+Drag will not copy the net name. If it is not enabled, using Ctrl+Shift+Drag will copy the net name).
If editing a schematic design the following two options are available:
Drag Unconnected Pin Starts New Connection affects a mouse drag in Select Mode. When checked, starting a mouse drag over an unconnected symbol pin will start adding a connection to it. If unchecked, the drag moves the symbol as normal.
Drag From Pin Uses Sketch Mode when dragging from a pin with no connections, but on a net. When checked, starts a connection using Sketch Mode. If unchecked, the drag uses the normal Insert Schematic Connection to add a connection. This is particularly useful when using Reverse Engineer.
If editing a PCB design the following two options are available:
Drag Unconnected Pad Starts New Track affects a mouse drag in Select Mode. When checked, starting a mouse drag over an unconnected pad will start adding a track to it. If unchecked, the drag moves the symbol as normal.
Drag From Pad Uses Sketch Mode when dragging from a pad with no tracks, but on a net. When checked, starts a track using Sketch Mode. If unchecked, the drag uses the normal Insert Track to add a track.
Frame Select
Select If Completely Framed is used in Frame Select and Polygon Select. Check it to only select whole items or segments that are completely within the frame or polygon. Uncheck it to select items that also overlap the frame or polygon.
Alt Drag Does Frame Select - Check this to force doing frame select whenever you drag the cursor in select mode with the left Alt key pressed down. This makes it easier to select multiple items in a dense area without moving any of the items under the cursor. Leave unchecked for Alt drag to mean perform move with alternative free segment movement.
Select Error Markers - Check this to allow selection of error markers that are within the frame. Note: If using a Select Mask that enables Error Markers, they will always be selected.
Select Construction Lines - Check this to allow selection of construction lines that are within the frame. Note: If using a Select Mask that enables Construction Lines, they will always be selected.
Double Click
Suppress Properties On Double Click when checked, double click will only edit segments, it will not enter the Properties dialog.
Double Click on Attribute to Edit Value when checked, a double click on a visible editable attribute will enter a simple Edit Attribute Value dialog. If left unchecked, double click will enter the Properties dialog.
If editing a schematic design the following option is available:
Double Click On Pin Uses Sketch Mode when double clicking a pin with no connections, but on a net. When checked, starts a connection using Sketch Mode. If unchecked, uses the normal Insert Schematic Connection to add a connection. This is particularly useful when using Reverse Engineer.
If editing a PCB design the following two options are available:
Double Click On Pad Uses Sketch Mode when double clicking a pad with no tracks, but on a net. When checked, starts a track using Sketch Mode. If unchecked, uses the normal Insert Track to add a track.
Deselect Items On All Pages, when checked, Deselect All will deselect items on all pages of the Schematic design. This also means selecting a new item(s) or clicking into space will deselect everything on all pages.
Other Options Tabs
General Options: | Design Backups | Display | Edit Shape | File Extensions | Find | Folders | General | In-Place Names | Macros | Move | Multi-Screen | Pan & Zoom | Resolve Net Names | Synchronisation | Tooltips | Warnings |
PCB Options: | Edit Track | Interaction | Online DRC | Track Length Limits |
Schematics Options: | Edit Connection | Interaction | Online ERC |
Footprint Options: | Edit Breakout |
Related Topics
Grids | Frame Select | Insert Schematic Connection | Insert Track | Polygon Select | Layers | Select Mask | Select Mode | Select Path | Sketch Mode