This tab allows you to set the default properties use when adding a Wire to your design.
Default Keys: Shift+D
Default Menu: Setup
Command: Design Settings
Locating this option
Available from:
Setup menu > Design Settings option > Defaults > Wire page
Setup menu > Technology option > Design Settings > Defaults > Wire page
Using the Wire Defaults Tab
The Layer that the wire uses is selected from a drop down list defined in the Layers dialog.
Line Style
Choose the line style from the drop down list defined in your technology. This line style will be used to draw the Wire in the design.
Line Angle
Type the Line Angle to set the default arc angle a wire will have when you add it.
The Insulated check box shows if the wire is marked as insulated. Insulated wires are allowed to be crossed. Non insulated wires can be checked for crossing using the Design Rule Check tool. Insulated wires can be reported separately using the Report Maker option.
Related Topics
Insert Wire | Technology Overview | Technology - Layers | Technology - Line Style Properties | Wire Properties | Design Rule Check | Report Maker