Pulsonix can read in design and library files produced in UltiBoard and UltiCAP.
Ultimate files in the following formats can be opened in Pulsonix:
- UltiBoard PCB .ddf ASCII files (UltiBoard saves designs in this format by default).
- UltiBoard part & symbol libraries, .l55 files (this is the default format for UltiBoard libraries).
- UltiCAP Schematic designs in version 4 ASCII format, .sch files (known as Old ASCII format in newer versions of UltiCAP)
- Newer version UltiBoard files are stored in binary and therefore, there is no mechanism to export them or read in these files. For example, we know EWPRJ files cannot be read in, there may be other formats too which are not supported.
This following help page describes the process for Ultimate designs and libraries, if using Electronics Workbench products please refer to the EWB Interface help page.
Exporting PCB Designs From UltiBoard
Older UltiBoard versions store PCB designs into a known format by default. This means they can be read directly into Pulsonix without any intermediate translation.
Exporting Footprint Libraries From UltiBoard
Footprint library information is stored in the UltiBoard library files (*.l55). These are the default library format and can be read into Pulsonix directly without translation first, as such there is no export required.
You can also read UltiBoard PCB design files into a footprint library, any footprints defined in the design will be added to the library.
Exporting Parts Libraries From UltiBoard
Part library information is contained within the UltiBoard library files (*.l55). These are the default library format and can be read into Pulsonix without any intermediate translation, as such there is no export required. Part library data is extracted from the library and stored into the Pulsonix Parts library.
You can also read UltiBoard PCB design files into a part library, any parts defined in the design will be added to the library.
Exporting Schematic Designs From UltiCAP
You can read UltiCAP designs by saving them as Old format UltiCAP files in UltiCAP. The files will have the extension .sch, you can then read these files into Pulsonix.
The steps to follow are:
- To export UltiCAP designs use the Save As option on the File menu.
- Select the Save As Type to be Old Format UltiCAP files (*.sch) and save the file.
- Open the file in Pulsonix using the Open option.
Exporting Schematic Libraries From UltiCAP
You can read the library data from Old format UltiCAP files which are saved in UltiCAP as described above. By reading them into each of the Part, Schematic Symbol, and Schematic Doc Symbol libraries, you can build up libraries which can be used in new designs.
Related Topics
EWB Interface | Import Netlist | Data Transfer Wizard | Library Manager Layer Mapping