The Is XXXX command will allow you to test for the condition of a specific item. For example, Is SMD will allow you to test whether a PCB Component is Surface Mounted or not.
For all Is tests, the output will be True or False. The test can be further enhanced by using the If condition and asking if the test is equal to or not equal to True.
Example use of Is command
List Of Components
If Not "Is SM Device"
Component Name
Footprint Name
End Of Line
The report output looks like this:
R1 1208
Has Differential Pairs
Use this to report if a PCB or Schematic design has differential pairs. Also can be used on a net to report if it has any differential pairs in it.
Is All SM Pads
Only available for PCB designs, will test whether all pads within a component are surface mounted. It will ignore mounting holes when deciding if the component is surface mounted. See Is SM Device below.
Is Allowed Size
Use this to report if a Drill Size is one of the Allowed Drill Sizes. This is useful if your manufacturing process only allows a specific set of hole sizes to be drilled.
Is Any Instance Fitted
This is a check used within a list of Variants, within a List of Components and it reports the fitted status as being True or False. This is best used in conjunction with the If command to test if any of the variant instances of the current Component are fitted in the current variant. This varies from the “Is Fitted” command that just checks if the current component instance is fitted in the variant.
Is Arc
This is a specific test when using List Of Segments to test if the current segment being reported is an arc.
Is Arc Clockwise
This is a specific test when using List Of Segments to test if the current arc segment being reported runs in a clockwise direction.
Is Associated Part
This will test whether a library part is an associated part that has no PCB or Schematic information.
Is Back Drilled
This will test if the current via or pad in the PCB design is Back Drilled.
Is Blind Or Buried
This will test if the current layer span is not through the whole board.
Is Breakout Tab Hole
This tests whether a mounting hole in the Panel design is a hole in a breakout tab created by using the Create Breakout Tabs function. If the hole is a breakout tab, the test will be true.
Is Buried
This will test if the current layer span does not reach the top or bottom sides of the board.
Is Bond Pad
This tests whether a pad in the PCB design is a bond pad or not. If the pad is a bond pad, the test will be true.
Is Checked Out of Vault
This is a specific test when using List Of Vault Items to test if the item is currently checked out from the vault.
Is Checked Out of Vault By Me
This is a specific test when using List Of Vault Items to test if the item is currently checked out from the vault by the currently signed in user.
Is Circle
This is a specific test when using List Of Boards or List Of Cutouts to test if the current shape being reported is a circle.
Is Comp Bin Empty
This will test to see if the Component Bin is empty. Useful if you wish to run a final sign-off check and want to check the Component Bin to see if you have missed any items.
Is Complete
This will test to see if a net in a PCB design is complete. Completion criteria is the same as for the Net Completion report, i.e is fully routed.
Also available when using List of Signal Paths to to report if the signal path is fully routed between the start and end pins.
Also available when using List of Differential Pairs to to report if both halves of the pair are fully routed between their pins.
Is Connector
This is a specific test when using List Of Components or List Of Parts to see if the Part was created a Connector Part type. If it is a connector Part, the test will be true.
Is Connect in Pin Order
This is a specific test when using List of Sub Nets to see if the sub net is defined to be connected up in pin order. The order is defined by the pin attribute values.
Is Current Page
This is a specific test when using List Of Pages to see if the page is currently being edited. If it is the test will be true.
Is Default
The “List of Symbol Names” and “List of Footprint Names” commands have The “Is Default” command to say if the current symbol name or footprint name is the default that will be used by the part.
Is Die Pad
This tests whether a pad in the PCB design is a die pad or not. If the pad is a die pad, the test will be true.
Is Differential Pair
This is a specific test when using List Of Pin Pairs to see if the pair of pins are a differential pair.
Is Displayed
This is used within “List Of Attribute Positions” to test if the current attribute position is displayed in the design.
Is Drawing Report
This tests whether the current report is being generated as part of an inserted user report, and therefore being drawn in the design. Use this to report different information if you are inserting the report into a design rather than running it to a file.
Is Embedded Component
This tests if the current component uses a footprint that is marked as embedded, i.e the component can be placed on inner layers in the board.
Is Enabled
This is a specific test when using List Of Rules to see if the current rule is enabled.
Is Essential Class
This tests if the layer class of the current layer is marked as being essential to manufacture.
Is Fitted
This is a check used on a Component or design level Attribute and it reports the fitted status as being True or False. This allows the Variant name to be supplied during the running of a report for the Variant that is current in the context of the report being generated. This is best used in conjunction with the If command to test that a Component or Attribute is fitted or not.
Note: When used within a list of Variants within a List of Components, it reports the fitted status of the current component instance in the current variant. This varies from the “Is Any Instance Fitted” command that checks if any of the variant instances of the current Component are fitted in the current variant.
Is Global Net
Only available for Schematic designs, this test whether a net is defined as being Global (True) or a Local net.
Is In Component Bin
This is a check used on a Component and it reports True or False, depending on whether the component is in the component bin. This is best used in conjunction with the If command to test if a PCB Component is placed on the board.
Is Is Heterogeneous
Reports true if the part representation has multiple gates using more than one type of symbol.
Is Insulated
Only available for PCB designs, this will test whether a wire has an insulated property or not.
Is Land Suppression Allowed
Only available for PCB designs, this will test whether a pad has the property: Allow Suppress Lands enabled or not.
Is Locked
This check is used on an error marker or on a component to check if it is locked.
Is Micro Via
This check is used on a layer span to check if it is between two same facing layers, and therefore intended for micro vias. Also used on a via to check its span.
Is Mirrored
This is a check used on a PCB Component and it reports the mirrored status as being True or False, depending on which side of the board it is on. This is best used in conjunction with the If command to test if a Component is mirrored.
Is Page Open
This is a specific test when using List Of Pages to see if the page is currently open in the editor. If it is open, the test will be true.
Is Panel Design
This command is available at the top level when the report script is available for both PCB and Panel designs. Use it to set up a variable that can be used throughout the script to do alternative actions depending on if running the report for a Panel design or not. For example, for a parts list from a panel design you may wish to prefix the component name with the PCB Instance name.
Is PCB Design
This command is available at the top level when the report script is available for both PCB and Schematics designs. Use it to set up a variable that can be used throughout the script to do alternative actions depending on if running the report for a PCB design or not.
Is PCB Only
This will test whether the item is defined as being PCB only, for example Components.
Is Pin Type Overridden
Use this to report if a schematic component pin is using a local pin type. This is useful to produce a report listing which pins in a schematic design have overridden their type from the pin type defined in the part.
Is Position Overridden
This will test whether a component pin or pad has had its position changed. If the relative position is as defined in the Symbol or Footprint definition for the Component, the test will not be true.
Is Rotation Overridden
This will test whether a component pin or pad has had its angle changed. If the angle is as defined in the Symbol or Footprint definition for the Component, the test will not be true.
Is PCB Design
This command is available at the top level when the report script is available for both PCB and Schematics designs. Use it to set up a variable that can be used throughout the script to do alternative actions depending on if running the report for a Schematic design or not.
Is Schematics Only
This will test whether the item is defined as being Schematics only, for example Components.
Is Selected
This will test to see if any design items are selected at the time that the report is run. Could be used to output all the selected components in a design by testing if Is Selected is true. If used within a List Of Pin Pairs then both pads must be selected for it to report them.
Is Slot
See drill.
Is SM Device
Only available for PCB designs, will test whether a Component is defined as being surface mounted or through-hole. An SM Device has all pads and mounting holes only on the one side of the board. See Is All SM Pads above.
Example use of Is command
List Of Components
Is SM Device
Component Name
Footprint Name
End Of Line
The report output looks like this:
R1 1208
Is SM Pad
Only available for PCB designs, will test whether a Component Pad is defined as being surface mounted or through-hole.
Is Star Point
This is used within “List Of Doc Symbols”, “List of Pins”, “List of Mounting Holes” and “List of Vias” to test if the current item is a star point that joins multiple nets.
Is STEP Model Align By Centre
Use on a footprint library within �List Of Symbols� to report if the footprint is set to have its STEP model be aligned by centre (rather than by origin).
Is Style Overridden
This will test whether a pin or pad has had its style overridden. If the style is as defined in the Symbol or Footprint definition for the Component, the test will not be true.
Is Testpoint
This will test the items in the List Of… to see if it is defined as being a testpoint. If it is a testpoint then the test will report true.
Is This User Report
This is used within “List Of Doc Symbols” to test if the current documentation symbol is the inserted user report in the design that is currently having its report text updated. Use this to add attributes to the inserted user report in the design to contain parameters that can be placed into variables and used later in a report script to change the contents of the report.
For example you could write a report that lists the power and ground pins on a component, by passing the name of the component as an attribute on the inserted report.
List Of Doc Symbols
If "Is This User Report"
Set Variable "Name" to Attribute: Component
List Of Components
If "Component Name" is equal to "Variable: Name"
List of Ungated Pins
Pin Name
Net Name
Is Top Facing
This is used within “List Of Layers” to test if the current layer is top facing. Only relevant if the layer is an electrical layer and can have associated layers.
Is Used
This reports “true” if the current layer span is used by a via in the design.
Is User Named Net
This will test whether the net has a users defined net name, e.g. GND, SIG1, or whether it is a default net name, e.g. $22, $3 etc.
Is Via
Only available for PCB designs. This will test whether the test point or drill hole in the design is a via or not. Useful if you wish to test for all the vias in a design and then report the testpoint status on them.
Is Via In SM Pad
Only available for PCB designs. This will test whether a via or drill hole in the design is a via that has its drill position within a surface mount pad. Useful if you wish to produce a separate drill output for all these special vias.