This dialog is used when when you are importing Schematic designs from Ariadne. It enables you to change the default name that you want the imported design to be called. You can also choose to use a technology file to base the design upon.

Design This is the name that will be used as the basis of the filename when you save the design.

Technology This drop down list can be used to choose a technology file to base the imported design on. You do not have to base it upon a technology file, as you can select [None] to specify no technology.

Check Part Names include Footprint name if you want a separate part for each Part Type, Footprint combination. The part names will be e.g. 100K[R2-1-50]:0805 for part type 100K[R2-1-50] and footprint 0805. Otherwise the part name will be the Part Type. The part will include all the footprint names that are allowed for this Part Type.

Sometimes when connections are imported they do not always exactly start or end at an appropriate connect point. Check Auto Weld Connections to try and force them to start or end on a connect point.
