This page is used to specify the basic details about the part.

How to Use This Page

When a control is selected, information about it is shown in the information window at the bottom on the dialog.

Part Name

This field must be filled in. This is the name by which the part will be referenced.


This is an optional field which you can use to enter a description of the part to help you identify it later, for example this field can be selected for output by the report maker when generating a parts list.

Part Family

Part Family is an optional field which you can use to add the part to a family of alternate parts. Once added to a design, a component using this part can be easily switched to an alternate part in the same family using the Alternate Part command, or the Alternate button in the properties page.

Name Stem

Name Stem is an optional field to specify the default for the first part of the component name of components using this part. When a component is added to a design using Insert Component, the name stem is used as the first part of the component name, to which a number is added to form a unique name.

Technology File

The Part Wizard can use a part technology file as a source of default net names, attribute names and pin types. This helps you to create parts using standard naming conventions.

Part Wizard Pages

Start | Type of Part | PCB Footprints | Power and Ground Pins | Schematic Symbols | Gate Pins Details | Attributes | Finish

Alternate Part | Insert Component | New Part