Including X2 information in earlier format files

Include X2 commands in G04 comments : this allows X2 commands to be included in files destined for earlier readers, whilst still adding the extra information about the file contents.

When this check box is ticked, for each of the X2 commands described above, if that particular option is turned off, the information will still be written to the file but as a standardised Gerber comment (G04) line. This allows the additional detail of X2 to be included in the file without upsetting any software that cannot handle the newer commands.

For example, the file function information might be included as:



����G04 #@! TF.FileFunction,Copper,L4,Bot*

depending on whether the File Function switch is on or off.

If you wish to ‘suppress’ all mention of any X2 commands, turn off this last ‘G04’ check box too and the output file will be written without any X2 information.

The TF.GenerationSoftware option also includes the TF.CreationDate command.

Data recognition for Gerber X2

The data items are examined and aperture types are assigned:

Aperture TypeData Item
TestPointAnything marked as a test point in the design
ComponentPadAny component pad set to Through Board
WasherPadAny marked as Mounting Hole
ViaPadA via
SMDPadAny other pads
ConductorRouted track/wire
NonConductorUnrouted connection
OtherCopperCopper or teardrop
NonMaterialDoc shape, text, attribute position
ProfileBoard outline
CutOutBoard cutout

The file function attribute is recognised by words/phrases within the Layer or Layer class names:

File Function attributeLayer/Layer Class Name
SolderMaskResist, solder mask, soldermask etc
PastePaste, paste mask, pastemask etc
SilkSilk, silkscreen etc
AssemblyAssy, assembly etc
GlueGlue, gluelayer etc

If you output a Layer Span - a Drill Drawing has the file function Drillmap, and Drill output has the file function Plated or NonPlated as appropriate.

Importing Gerber X2 files into Pulsonix

Pulsonix has two Gerber Import options - Import Gerber and Intelligent Gerber Import. Both have restrictions regarding the import of Gerber X2 format files produced by Pulsonix or another system.

If the incoming Gerber file contains X2 format commands (AperFunction, FileFunction or Part), an additional message will be displayed on the import dialog to inform you that these commands have been detected but will not currently be processed.

Change Gerber Options | Gerber Setup | Gerber Import | Intelligent Gerber Import