This dialog is displayed when the Design Properties option is chosen from within a Block. It shows and allows you to modify Properties for the Block.
Default Keys: I or Alt+Enter
Default Menu: Edit
Command: Design Properties
Locating this option
Available from: Edit menu > Design Properties option
Available from: Context menu > Design Properties option
Using the Block Properties Dialog
Name Stem is used as the basis of the name for any block instance that references this block and will be automatically incremented to form a block instance name that is unique to the schematic context in which it is created.
Description is an optional description of the block.
Symbol is the name of the Symbol used with this block. The Symbol can be From Library or as a Generated symbol.
Use the Change button to change the Block Symbol.
Related Topics
Properties - Block Instance - Block Instance | Properties - Block Instance - Block | Properties - Block Ports | Insert Block Instance | Hierarchy Overview