Use this to insert cutout shapes into existing shapes and areas within the design.


Default Keys: None

Default Menu: Insert

Command: Insert Cutout Polygon

Default Keys: None

Default Menu: Insert

Command: Insert Cutout Rectangle

Default Keys: None

Default Menu: Insert

Command: Insert Cutout Circle

Default Keys: None

Default Menu: Insert

Command: Insert Cutout Triangle

Default Keys: None

Default Menu: Insert

Command: Insert Cutout Text

Toolbar: Select Shape

Default Keys: None

Command: Select Shape as Cutout

Locating this option

Available from: Insert > Cutout.

What are cutouts used for?

Cutouts are used to define a void within the boundary of a shape. The cutout is associated with the shape and moves with it. Deleting a shape also deletes all the associated cutouts.

If a cutout shape crosses a boundary of the parent shape, the boundary will instead be adjusted to exclude the cutout area. If multiple boundaries are crossed, additional shapes may be created.

The Items Cutouts Can Be Used On

Cutouts can be used on all electrical and documentation shapes provided that the boundary is Closed.

Adding a cutout: Polygons, Rectangles, Circles, Triangles

  1. Optionally pre-select the closed master shape you wish to add cutouts to.
  2. Select the Cutout option from the Insert menu.
  3. The default mode is Polygon. You may change to another mode by selecting it in the context menu.
  4. If a shape was not selected, you can click to select one now, highlighting it in the process.
  5. If you have shapes on the clipboard, you can use Paste to insert them as cutouts and move them to the required position. This can be repeated as many times as you want.
  6. Clicking will begin the editing mode for the cutout type selected. Complete shape editing by double clicking.
  7. At this point the new shape will be cut from the master shape.
  8. Continue adding cutouts, or use Cancel to exit insertion mode.

You can convert existing shapes in the design to a cutout by using the Select Shape as Cutout option in the context menu.

Adding a cutout: Text

  1. Optional: Pre-select a closed master shape to apply the cutout to.
  2. Select Insert > Cutout.
  3. Press Right Click on the design to open the shortcut menu and select Insert Cutout Text.
  4. You may now be prompted to configure your text settings.
    • If the Group feature is selected, any additional resulting shapes will be tightly grouped with the master shape.
    • You can return this menu at any time during master shape selection by opening the context menu and selecting Change Text Configuration.
  5. If a shape was not selected, you can click to select one now.
  6. Text will not appear by your cursor. Position in where you want the cutout to be.
    • Note that several placement options are available in the context menu.
  7. Click to finalise placement and cut the master shape.
  8. You will return to Step 5 to repeat selection and cutting if necessary.

How to convert multiple shapes into cutouts

  1. Add multiple normal shapes that will be converted into cutouts, move them inside the master shape and leave them selected.
  2. Choose any of the Insert Cutout commands.
  3. Select the master shape to add the cutouts to.
  4. A warning message will be displayed asking if you want to convert the pre-selected shapes into cutouts.
  5. Press the Yes button. The pre-selected shapes will be cut out of the master shape and removed, and the Add Cutout mode will be exited.

Insert Polygon | Insert Rectangle | Insert Circle | Insert Triangle | Insert - Merge