Use this prior to running simulation to choose the analysis modes to be used, and to setup options that control the simulation.
Default Keys: None
Default Menu: Simulation
Command: Simulation Parameters
How To Define The Simulation Parameters
Select the Simulation Parameters option from the Simulation menu.
The following dialog will be displayed:
The analysis modes and simulation control options are written to the end of the SPICE netlist that is sent to the Simulator. Use the check boxes on the right side of the dialog to enable each type of analysis that is required, and check the options box if you want to the control options to be included.
There is a choice of eight analysis modes. For Transient, DC Sweep, AC Sweep, Noise and Transfer Function analysis, click on the appropriate tab to display the relevant page to choose their analysis parameters.
For DC Operating Point analysis simply check the DCOP box to include it. Note that Pole-Zero and Sensitivity analyses are not supported by this dialog. These have to be entered as lines in the Extra Simulation Data. See the Simulator’s Help for details of these netlist commands.
The Options tab is for setting up the simulation control options and the SOA tab is used for setting up Safe Operating Area testing options. There is no separate check box for SOA testing as its values are output as part of the Options section.
Click on one of the links below for details of the relevant page.
If no analysis modes are set up then one must be entered directly in the Extra Simulation Data.