These commands are used to report Signal Path information from a PCB or Schematic design.
List Of Signal Paths
Use at the top level to report information about each signal path in a PCB or Schematic design, or use within a List of Nets command to report each signal path that contains nodes on the net.
For each signal path you can report the following:
- Signal Path Name - Reports the name of the signal path.
- Start Node and End Node - Reports the names of the pads or branch points at the start and end of the signal path.
- Net Name and Second Net Name - Reports the names of the nets on the pads or branch points at the start and end of the signal path.
- Track Length - Reports the total length of the track path between the start and end pins, including estimated lengths for unrouted connections and applying length adjustments. See How the Lengths are Calculated for more information on adjusted lengths.
- Pin Count - Reports the number of component pins and branch points in the signal path.
- Via Count - Reports the number of vias in the track path between the start and end pins.
- Is Track Length Adjusted - Reports “true” if the track length calculation has included any adjustments, otherwise reports “false”.
- Is Track Length Estimated - Reports “true” if the track length calculation has included the lengths of any unrouted connections, otherwise reports “false”.
- Is Complete - Use this to report “true” if the signal path is fully routed between the start and end pins.
- Minimum Track Length and Maximum Track Length - Rather than use the List of Track length Rules command, you can use the Maximum Track Length and Minimum Track Length commands to directly report any length rule limits. They report blank fields if the rule is not defined.
- Maximum Via Count - Reports the maximum number of vias allowed from the Track length Rule used by the signal path. If the value is not defined it reports a blank string.
- List Of Pin Pairs - Use to report each sequential pin pair in the path. See below for details.
- List Of Rules - Use to report all of the rules that are defined for the signal path. See Rule Commands for more details.
- List Of Track Length Rules - Use within List of Signal Paths to report the track length rule that is defined for the signal path. See Rule Commands for more details.
- List Of Track Length Match Rules - Use within List of Signal Paths to report the track length match rules that are defined for the signal path. See Rule Commands for more details.
List Of Pin Pairs
Use within List of Signal Paths to report each sequential pin pair in the path. Both pins in a pin pair will be on the same net. For each pin pair you can report the following:
- Start Node and End Node - Reports the names of the two pads or branch points.
- Net Name - Reports the name of the net the pin pair is on. A signal path may pass through several nets. Other standard net field commands are also available.
- Distance - Reports the Point to point distance between the start and end pin.
- Track Length - Reports the total length of the track path between the two pins, including estimated lengths for unrouted connections and applying length adjustments. See How the Lengths are Calculated for more information on adjusted lengths.
- Via Count - Reports the number of vias in the track path between the two pins.
- Is Track Length Adjusted - Reports “true” if the track length calculation has included any adjustments, otherwise reports “false”.
- Is Track Length Estimated - Reports “true” if the track length calculation has included the lengths of any unrouted connections, otherwise reports “false”.
- Minimum Pin To Pin Length and Maximum Pin To Pin Length - These commands are used within to report the min and max allowed pin to pin length values for the track path between the two pins. The values are extracted from the track length rules for the current net, sub net or signal path. These values can then be used to test against the pin pair Track Length field to report problems.
- Chain Links Count - Not used for a signal path. This command is used on a list of pin pairs on a net or sub net, see See Track Length help page for more details.
- Is Complete - Use this to report if there is a fully routed path between the pins.
- Is Differential pair - Use this to report if the pin pair is a differential pair.
- Is Selected - Use this to report if either of the pins is selected in the design.
- Paired Length and Percent Paired - Not used for a pin pair in a signal path.