In the Schematic Editor, this command will combine gates into components, to reduce the total number of components used.
Default Keys: None
Default Menu: Tools
Command: Optimise Gates
Locating this option
Available from: Tools menu > Optimise Gates option
How to used Optimise Gates
The command is available from the tools menu in schematics. There is no dialog, or interaction. A report is produced listing which gates have been swapped and any components which have been deleted.
You may have created a design where a number of components have spare gates. For example, you may have components U1 & U2 where both ‘a’ gates have been used, but both of the ‘b’ gates are spare. By swapping U2-a and U1-b, U2 can be removed from the design.
Gates can only be optimised between components which use the same part. The gates must also be defined as swappable, this is done in the part editor. In addition, the components must have any ungated pins connected to the same nets, this prevents swaps between components using a different ground or power supply.
If your design is using variants, gates will only be swapped between components that are fitted in the same design variants.