The Files of Type selection allows different formats to be opened in addition to native Pulsonix binary files. If opening different file types, Pulsonix will automatically detect the format for you, this selection provides you with a filter if you are looking for something specific.

Each type is outlined below:

Files Of Type
All Design FilesAny of the design types listed below
PCB Designs (*.pcb)Native Pulsonix binary PCB files
Schematic Designs (*.sch)Native Pulsonix binary PCB files
PCB Footprints (*.pfp)Native Pulsonix binary PCB symbol files
PCB Doc Symbols (*.pds)Native Pulsonix binary PCB Doc symbol files
Schematic Symbols (*.ssy)Native Pulsonix binary Schematic symbol files
Schematic Doc Symbols (*.sds)Native Pulsonix binary Schematic Doc symbol files
Parts (*.par)Native Pulsonix binary Part files
PCB Technology (*.ptf)Native Pulsonix binary PCB technology files
Schematic Tech (*.stf)Native Pulsonix binary Schematic technology files
Part Tech (*.pat)Native Pulsonix binary
PCB Profile (*.ppr)Native Pulsonix binary PCB profile files
Schematic Profile (*.spr)Native Pulsonix binary Schematic profile files

Other vendors supported ASCII formats. This list is dynamic and will be increased as further supported ASCII formats are added.

A Native Pulsonix binary means that the file format can only be read in by the relevant Pulsonix application.

The file extensions for the native files can be user defined from the options dialog.

Note on Library Files:

Where library symbol files are saved, these can be read into each of the relevant libraries although they can be saved direct to the library as well.

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