The Copper Pour Rules dialog is used to specify the parameters used when pouring copper.

Note, these rules do not apply to Layers where the bias is set to Power Plane.

The general rule matching mechanism is described here.


Menu: Setup

Default Keys: T

Command: Technology

Locating this option

Available from: Setup menu > Technology option > Rules - DFM/DFT - Copper Pour page

Using the dialog

On selection, the Technology dialog opens, select Copper Pour Rules . The existing Copper Pour Rules for the Technology being used will be presented.

The buttons to the right side of the dialog are used to navigate the grid, the general common buttons are detailed on the Technology Navigation page.

Using the editing pane

The appropriate rule is found for each template or net by working down the list of rules until the first match is found. Hence, the order of the rules is important. A match is when the specified Attribute Name and Match Value match an attribute on a template or net. So the template (or net) must have the given attribute, and it’s value must wildcard match the value. In particular, you can match the inbuilt attributes or . By adding an attribute to a specific template, you can cause it to use different rules to all the other templates on the same net. In particular you can add an explicit attribute to a template to override the one normally selected from the net.

Copper Pour parameters

These parameters define how Copper Pour will behave. The Line Style is not defined here, but is taken from the Copper Pour Template to be poured.

Avoid Same Net causes tracks and copper on the same net as the Template to be avoided, so the only physical connections to the poured copper are through the pads. Otherwise, the copper will flood over such items.

You can define Hatched style to be used with each piece of copper generated. After selecting the Hatched check box, select the Style from the drop down list. Only predefined hatch styles can be selected, these are created using the Hatch Style dialog.

Isolated Islands

Remove: means that each piece of generated copper must be connected to the designated Net. With this option enabled, any piece that would not be connected is deleted.

Keep Touching Copper means copper is considered not isolated if it touches another piece of copper on the same net. This is most likely to happen where you have nested templates on the same net.

Make Non Connecting causes isolated copper areas to be marked as Non Connecting. This means that it can remain isolated and does not form part of the connectivity, although it does still retain the same net name. You may require this to maximise copper on the board.

Connection optimisation will not add a connection to this copper. Reports, such as the Net Completion report will not report Non Connected copper as an error. The flag for showing a copper area as Non Connecting is displayed in the Shape Properties dialog. There is a Non Connecting copper colour in the Highlight Colours dialog. Non connecting copper can also be found by using the Non Connecting Copper attribute filter in the Find Bar.

Minimum Island Size

The Minimum Island Size in current design units squared, defines the minimum area of a piece of copper generated by Copper Pour.

Squared Pad Corners

When checked, this will cause the poured copper to have sharp squared corners around rectangular pads. If not checked, the copper will be rounded around the corners to maintain the precise spacing.

Use Template Centreline

When checked, this will cause the edge of the poured copper to run along the centre line of the template, this will mean that the centre line will always define the extents of the copper regardless of the thickness of the style used. If not checked, the centre line of the poured copper will follow the centre line of the template, so the extents of the copper will go to the full thickness of the template.

Export and Import CSV

Use the Export CSV button to export the data in your PCB design into a CSV format file. Using the Export CSV option will provide you with a formatted template ready for you to edit in your own data.

Use the Import CSV button to import data back into the PCB design using a CSV format file.

The data in the file represents a spreadsheet of dialog contents with the data headings along the top row.


The Units button allows you to locally switch between Metric and Imperial units whilst in this dialog. Once the dialog is closed, the units revert back to the original design units. If switching to different units to the design units, the value typed will be converted when you next enter this page.

Technology Overview | Using Dialog Grids | Pour Copper | Technology Rules Line Style | Hatch Style | Export CSV | Import CSV