This page of the Options dialog allows you to change the way the Resolve Net Names dialog works.
Default Keys: O
Default Menu: Tools
Command: Options
Locating this option
Available from: Tools menu > Options > Resolve Net Names > page
Using the Resolve Nets Tab
The options here will determine if nets should usually be merged with the same named nets (Merge), or if the new nets should be renamed to avoid joining to any existing nets (Rename). You can have different actions for PCB and Schematic, and for different types of nets.
The Show Dialog options determine if the Resolve Net Names dialog will be shown if the selection contains those types of nets, otherwise all nets will be Merged or Renamed according to the options given in this dialog without any further prompting.
Normally, you would want Power or Ground nets to merge with any existing instances of that net (so for example +5V will always connect together), so you would check the Merge option and uncheck Show Dialog. In a Schematic, you may not want Local (to a block) nets to automatically.
connect to existing nets of the same name, but you might want to be prompted so that you can Merge selectively using the dialog, so you would check the Rename option and check Show Dialog.
Use Set Defaults to set the options in this dialog to their default settings.
Other Options Tabs
General Options: | Design Backups | Display | Edit Shape | File Extensions | Find | Folders | General | In-Place Names | Macros | Move | Multi-Screen | Pan & Zoom | Select | Synchronisation | Tooltips | Warnings |
PCB Options: | Edit Track | Interaction | Online DRC | Track Length Limits |
Schematics Options: | Edit Connection | Interaction | Online ERC |
Footprint Options: | Edit Breakout |